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Updated: January 18, 2020
Edited: August 28, 2021

The Chinese prince woke up to a ruckus outside of his room. He groaned, rolling into a ball, pulling his covers over his head, but the noise seemed to have no end. He's never woken up to such sounds before. His palace was always quiet and peaceful, so this was infuriating.

"Xiao Yue, go stop the noise, please?" Renjun gently pushed the wolf-dog with his foot. She didn't move and just lay there at the foot of his bed, snoring quietly.

Taking things into his own hands, he stood up and slid his shoes on. He had still worn the same clothing as he did the night before, as he hadn't bothered to take it all off. He opened his door, and to his shock, his jaw dropped.

"Renjun-ge, w-we can explain." Chenle looked up at Renjun from the position he was in. Everyone was in his palace garden—Chenle, Jisung, Minhyung, Donghyuck, Jeno, Jaemin, Guanheng, Kun, Dejun, and Yangyang. They were all a mess and looked like they were caught red-handed, and they were.

The lotus flowers that were once standing tall and beautiful were now broken, crumbled, and flattened. There wasn't a single flower that stood.

Renjun stumbled down his stairs. He was heartbroken. The light in his eyes had faded to a dull gray. He kneeled down, gingerly picking up what once was the head of a flower. Looking around, he saw that almost every flower was dead.

"My hard work," he whimpered. He stood back up, brows furrowed in anger. "Who caused this?"

No one said a thing. Not even a breath was heard.

He clenched his fists, the already dead flower crumpled. "I'm getting Mother."

"W-wait! No!" Donghyuck protested.

His mother was the empress which meant she controlled the inner court and everything that goes on within the palaces. She was the highest rank, second to the emperor. She could do anything she wanted to the entirety of the inner court. She had the most power out of every other royal in the palace. The guest royals had not as much power over her as she did them.

"You, come here," he called to one of the servants, who ran in and out of one of the guests' rooms.

He quickly obeyed and bowed in front of the prince, waiting for his orders.

"Send a message to my mother, 'The Crown Prince requires your assistance at the Palace of Lifelong Purity.'"

With that, the servant went off.

"Get up!" he said with an intense tone that sent shivers down their spines.

The ten of them, who were all frozen, were nervous of what was to come. They all looked like a horrendous mess—dirt was smothered on their faces and all over their clothes.

Renjun shot a quick glare at Jeno, who glanced away.

"Injoon-hyung-" Jisung began to plead, but after noticing the look on Renjun's face, he stopped.

"Hurry up."

The ten of them stood up and lined themselves up side-by-side watching as the crown prince paced around the courtyard in frustration and anger. "I'm disappointed in you." That was directed to his guards, who frowned at the comment.

"Renjun, what did you... need." His mother walked into the courtyard, frowning at the scene.

The empresses and princesses of the other empires walked in with the same expressions on their faces. They had tagged along since they hadn't had much to do around here. Renjun's father, as well as the princes and emperors, weren't among the crowd. They had decided to join Xinyue and help him with his work.

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