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Twenty Three
Updated: February 15, 2021
Edited: September 7, 2021

Knock. Knock. Knock. Three soft knocks came from the door. Then three aggressive knocks and then followed by three more.

So much sound, yet Renjun was oblivious to it all. It had been six hours since he crawled to his door and locked it shut, and never once had the crown prince stepped out to send away the other princes nor get his dinner. It was getting darker and darker the more time was spent inside his room. At this point, Renjun couldn't even tell what time it was. Was it eight? Was it ten? He didn't know. Time flew by in a blur.

Even after so many hours and so many pots of tea, Renjun couldn't bring himself to reality. Not even his wolf-dog could do anything to help him. It was like he was stuck in a forever nightmare that he couldn't wake from.

"Injoon-hyung?" called a voice from outside. With no response, the voice called again, but louder. "Injoon-hyung?!?! Can you open the door?!?" The knocks and calls became more aggressive and loud as silence responded.

Renjun refused to open the door and refused to answer any of the calls. He was curled on the bed, facing the wall with a blanket covering his small figure. The medicine that was once on the bed had been shoved to the floor. He was sweating, yes, his hair was soaked to the scalp, but he didn't dare move or respond. He was terrified and anxious. The aggressiveness and shouting didn't make him feel any better. He only wanted them to leave, so he could be on his own.

"Injoonie-hyung! Are you okay?!"

His silence seemed to keep them coming, so he hesitantly called back, "g-go a-away!!!" His voice was broken, harsh as if it had been dragged down a gravel path, pulled by a sprinting horse.

To the princes outside, it sounded like Renjun was being attacked, and so, without another word, they barged into the room, breaking the doors' wood locks with a loud audible snap.

This sudden movement brought the wolf-dog, who was lying peacefully beside Renjun, to a defensive state, her teeth bared and growling.

Huang Renjun had flinched at the loud noise and pulled his knees to his chest as the blanket was pulled tighter around him.

"Injoon! Are you okay?" Jeno asked, his head snapping around to locate the crown prince. In his hands, he held a tray of food, which still had some steam floating off from the surface.

Hearing that they were in his room, the prince didn't dare breathe. He couldn't tell if they were here to hurt him or not, in fact, he couldn't even distinguish the voices that shouted at him. He only knew that they sounded aggressive and probably were there for harmful reasons.

At the sound of Xiao Yue's bark, the two young princes knocked over the wood room divider, thinking that their fiancé was in trouble, which caused him to flinch at the loud sound.

"Injoonie-hyung-" Jeno stopped mid-sentence.

Renjun's figure was shaking uncontrollably even as he tried his hardest to keep still. His breath was heavy, panting with staggering breaths as he tried to stay silent.

"Hyungie?" Jaemin asked, glancing cautiously at the oldest prince as if he could turn around and bite his head off. He took a careful step forward, which caused Xiao Yue to bark in defense. She didn't want them to hurt her friend, especially during this time.

The sound had Renjun flinching.

"Injoon, are you okay?" Jeno asked.

"G-go away. I want to b-be alone," he stuttered, his figure seemingly shrinking more.

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