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Updated: December 20, 2019
Edited: August 28, 2021

"Hey," said a voice.

Jeno looked up from his food. A certain prince wearing bright yellow and green robes stood in front of him, Prince Na Jaemin.

Immediately, Jeno stood up and put his hands in front of him to begin to bow, but a hand had stopped him from continuing the short greeting ritual.

"Don't do that. There's no need for formalities. We are already engaged and plus we've known each other for years now. Acting formally towards each other is a bit awkward, is it not?"

"R-right." The older prince put his hands down. He was flustered by Jaemin's voice. He's heard Jaemin's voice many times, but today, it sounded different. It sounded like the sweetness of honey mixed with the beautiful colors of flowers blooming in spring. Jaemin looked absolutely stunning today, and Jeno almost fainted seeing him from such a close distance. He had always known Jaemin to be attractive ever since they first met and every before that. But, seeing him now with the ceremonial hanfu robes and the newly dyed hair, Jaemin was captivating. He had heard that the many noblewomen and commoners in the Na Empire constantly falling head over heels for the prince and hadn't believed much of that until he saw him today, looking like this.

His blue bangs among his blonde hair made him look ethereal, and his dark, brown eyes, they were as bright as the moon in the night skies. The slight sparkle in them made the prince look like an innocent little kitten. A kitten that couldn't possibly be a flirtatious cat.

Then, when Jeno's eyes trailed downward towards his li-


Hearing the nickname, Jeno snapped out of his trance. He hadn't noticed that he was staring. "O-oh, apologies."

Jaemin chuckled at Jeno. To him, the older was adorable like a shy little samoyed puppy caught doing something bad.

"It's alright. It's cute when you get flustered," the younger pointed out, smiling at the other, who nearly choked on his own breath as Jaemin sneaked in a quick distorted wink.

"T-take a seat." Jeno gestured with his hand, inviting the younger prince to sit down, who gladly did as Jeno returned to his sitting position. "What brought you here?" he asked, looking into the eyes of Jaemin and immediately regreting it. The gaze from the other was so strong that it made Jeno weak in the knees even if he was sitting. He quickly diverted his eyes elsewhere.

"Well, I have no one to talk to," was the prince's simple response.

"Then, what do you want to talk about?" Jeno picked up his chopsticks and started eating once again, not ignoring the hard stare he was receiving from the younger.

With that, Jaemin started to trail on and on about his empire and all that has happened and then about how every time he steps foot into this empire, it looks even more amazing than the last. While Jaemin spoke, Jeno never kept his eyes off of his face and just continued to admire the sharp features. He caught himself staring, and, of course, Jeno became as red as the velvety petals on a pink lotus flower as he looked away.

When Jaemin finished, he nearly fainted from the sight of Jeno's smile. Every time, Jeno's smile somehow made his heart skip a beat. The way his eyes curved was unique, yet he still loved it. The beauty on the face of the man in front of him was absolutely glorious. In all of Jaemin's life, he had rarely taken a liking to mean, but Jeno, Jeno was different. Along with the crown prince sitting towards the center of the room.

"...I guess, I expected to be used to it by now, you know?" The younger leaned back onto his hands and stared up at the designs on the colorful ceiling.

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