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Special Chapter Three: The Silk Handkerchief
(Alternative Title: The Boy With No Name)
Updated: November 15, 2021

The sun's light shone brightly against his face, and Shotaro's eyes blinked open to a familiar scene. A boy about twelve years old sat beside him, a cracked clay bowl in his two small hands. The boy was thin, one could see the dents in his cheeks and the bones in his hands and arms. His hair was tangled, almost matted against the back of his head. From where Shotaro was, he could see the dried blood and dirt smeared on his face. The clothing the boy wore was old and worn out, too small for his growing body.

"Good morning, Brother!" Greeted the boy when he noticed Shotaro's movement. He had put the bowl down beside him and scooted over to help sit the older one up.

Shotaro was only fifteen, but he was as skinny as the boy in front of him. They were both unfed and hungry, begging on the streets for spare coins. What streets? He didn't know, probably some small town under Huang territory.

"What time is it?" He yawned.

"I think it's nine or ten. Does Brother have to go somewhere?"

"Remember that butchery I said I was going to check out?"

The boy nodded. "Did they let you in?" There was a wide smile on his face at the thought. If Shotaro could work there, he would be able to make a good amount of money. Enough to get them each a meal a day and still have enough to buy new clothes.

"Yes, but I'm not sure if I should go." Shotaro frowned. He was worried for the little boy's safety and health. The two of them already got kicked, spit at, and yelled at, so he wasn't sure if the boy could handle it all by himself. It worried him considering how skinny the boy was.

"Don't worry, Brother, I can stay here. I don't need you by my side. I'm not that young anymore."

"You're so skinny, I don't want you to get bullied by the bigger ones here."

"I can take care of myself, Brother. You go to your job. If Brother works a week at the job, we won't have to beg anymore. And, we could get ourselves a big warm house!"

Shotaro was reluctant. The thought of the boy getting hurt invaded his every thought and emotion. But the determined and excited look on the boy's face made him choose otherwise, so he stood up, patting the boy's head. "I will be back at noon to check on you, okay?"

He nodded.

As he was about to head off, he turned back at the boy again. "If something happens you can run over to find me, okay?"

The boy had gotten up, shoving Shotaro forward. "I'll be fine, Brother! Just go!"

With a chuckle, the older walked off with a yawn. The boy watched the taller go off away from him. He was excited already. He dreamed of the four-courtyard house that he's seen rich people have. He dreamed of the hundreds of dishes he could choose from. His mouth watered thinking of the sweet pastries. He was so excited, so looking forward to everything once they had money. He dreamed of the successful life he and his brother would live together. Maybe... maybe they could even get married...

He snapped out of his dreams and returned to their little blanket on the dirt ground. He knelt back down, his thin hands picking up the cracked bowl. He didn't remember where the bowl came from. He and his brother found it on the way to Huang and picked it up thinking it would be useful. And it was, but it also wasn't. If they had a nicer, cleaner bowl, they could probably get more money, but maybe not.

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