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Updated: December 5, 2022

Not the crown prince? That definitely came to a shock for Shotaro because he was so sure. That prince who killed his brother. He had to be the crown prince. That person had worn everything that fit the image of the Huang crown prince. Even Yimu confirmed it, so how could it not be Huang Renjun?

The envelope. From Sungchan those weeks ago. It was opened dozens and dozens of times, and its corners and folds were already ripped from the wear. Even the paper and contents inside were falling apart. Shotaro had looked through everything over and over again and even looked over Huang Renjun's information.

Only one other person seemed to match the murderer of his brother almost perfectly, and it was not the Huang Crown Prince.

This other person was Crown Prince Maeng Kwangseok, the same crown prince that had caused such a big ruckus with Huang that even a small foreigner like Shotaro heard about how the crown princes Na and Lee embarrassed him.

Shotaro remembered Maeng's face from that incident less than a year ago, but he didn't recognize his face or even find it remotely familiar to the face of the murderer. He only remembered Huang's face and the sadistic look in his fox-like features when he watched his men kill the poor boy three years ago. The prince that visited his restaurant matched this face.

But, things didn't seem to match up. Three years ago, Huang was fifteen, and his title of "Untouchable Prince" came from ten years ago. If he couldn't touch people then, how was he able to hurt anyone then? Maeng's profile fit the personality of the man he saw three years ago, but the face was off. Shotaro was one thousand percent sure that the murderer was Huang Renjun. It made sense. What Yimu told him about Renjun's personality, it matched the murderer.

Then again, it was an adult who killed his brother, not a fifteen-year-old.

Not far from where Shotaro was resting, an old lady stood with her daughter, gazing at the familiar wanted poster. She said, "Oh, look at that poor thing. What a handsome and cute young boy. How did he end up on a wanted poster?"

"Mother, this boy had poisoned the Crown Prince months and months ago," her daughter answered gently.

"Oh, but that's the past. Why's he still up here?"

"Sungchanie says that the empire thinks he has something to do with the Crown Prince's kidnapping."

Shotaro looked up at the mention of the familiar name. It had been weeks since he last heard from the younger, and he was surprisingly relieved to hear that he was doing well.

The money Sungchan had given him was put into good use. The ten claws had turned and only dropped to eight claws. He had bought himself a new outfit, throwing his old one away immediately. He refused to rent out a room from an inn, deciding he didn't want to risk giving away his name and having the innkeepers recognize his face, so he slept in the streets for fifteen minutes at a time before moving to a new place. He's eaten only two small meals a day, trying his best to save up every penny he could.

It was lonely, being on the streets for days and days, but it had somewhat brought him peace. No one looked at him strangely, with only a few disgusted looks here and there, but it wasn't anything he wasn't used to. It reminded him of his fifteen-year-old self, traveling every day to find new places, except, he didn't do any begging this time; yet, there were people who were kind enough to throw him a few coins once in a while.

Shotaro suddenly found himself getting up from the wall he sat against and shuffling quietly over to the two women staring at the poster. "Um. Excuse me."

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