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Fifty Two
Updated: November 29, 2021

The door closed quietly, and Renjun took a few steps back, taking in the front of the building with a gentle smile.

It felt nostalgic coming back. Almost felt like an old friend's greeting. So many years have passed since Renjun last slept in the Pavillion. The room was so much smaller than he remembered, but it didn't matter.

"Ah! Your Highness!"

He glanced over his shoulder.

A eunuch shuffled towards him with a slightly bowed head. "Your Highness. This one didn't know you would be up so early!"

Renjun chuckled, facing him, "it is not too early, only nine in the morning."

"Your Highness must've forgotten that you usually wake up at noon."

"Ah, I see. I did seem to forget."

"Might I ask how Your Highness's sleep was?"

Renjun shrugged as he began to leave the Pavilion courtyard. "It was fine." He didn't know what to say. He slept quite peacefully, not one dream or nightmare attempted to invade his sleep, but before he could sleep, his mind wandered around, all the way to his palace, where his fiancés slept.

"Your Highness waking up early must mean Your Highness had a good sleep," the eunuch commented with a smile.

He nodded. "How are your legs? Are they still sore?" He glanced at Yinxi.

The older shook his head. "No, Your Highness. One of your juniors helped this one and gave him some medicine. This one is forever thankful for his and Your Highness's help. But, this one does regret being so weak for his young age."

"You're not weak, Yinxi," Renjun began, "you are just different from other people. It's not your fault. You were just born that way. There's no need to regret it."

"Your Highness is right, but this one can't help but feel that way. I have to take care of Your Highness until I can no longer, but it seems I will not be able to accomplish that."

Renjun stopped walking, turning to the eunuch. "If you won't be able to take care of me, I will take care of you. You've served me for a long time, Yinxi, and when you get tired you should get some rest."

The eunuch glanced away uncomfortably. "Where did Your Highness's kindness suddenly come from?" He tried to joke.

"I've always had it, Yinxi."

"Ah. Your Highness shouldn't bother with a weak eunuch like me. Your Highness should focus on more important matters. Your Highness is going to be emperor one day."

The prince glanced away with a sigh. "I don't want to think about it."

"Why is that?"

"I don't think I can do it, is all."

"This one is sure Your Highness will do well."

"It's just a lot of work Yinxi. You see how Father is constantly busy. He's always in the Hall, or in his office signing away and reading documents. I'm worried I won't have time to paint."

The eunuch chuckled, "Your Highness will have plenty of time to paint. His Highness Crown Prince Lee Jeno and His Highness Crown Prince Na Jaemin will be by your side to help you, and this one is sure that by the time you become the emperor, your broth-"

He was cut off.


The Chinese looked ahead and he froze, staring blankly for a moment as the two princes walked up to him. When they got too close, he took two steps back, lowering his head and clearing his throat awkwardly. "Jeno, Jaemin," he said.

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