
366 27 42

Thirty Nine
Updated: August 23, 2021
Edited: December 29, 2021


Minhyung didn't look up at his servant when he responded with a hum.

"This one thinks you shouldn't visit His Excellency, Lord Lee Yimu. It's too dangerous for you. More guards are patrolling the City. The moment one sees you and stops you, you may be in trouble." Geunseo was crouched by the prince's desk, grinding some black ink as Minhyung continued to write.

The prince looked up at the servant. "So, what do you suggest?"

"I think Your Highness should send a letter by pigeon to His Excellency, telling him the current situation in Hwang."

Minhyung put his brush down, leaning back in his chair with a huff, "but, what about when that pigeon is shot down? I will be exposed then too, and nothing will get to Yimu in time."

Geunseo glanced down at the ground ink, thinking. Then, he remembered, "ah, Your Highness. This one just remembered that there will be a delivery of items into the City in a few days. We could bribe one of the escorts to release the bird."

"Mm," Minhyung nodded. He pushed aside the work he was doing and pulled out a new sheet. "I'm assuming, you will prepare the person to bring the bird and the money?"

"Yes, I will."

"Good." The prince picked up the brush again, dipping it in the ink Geunseo ground, and writing the said letter.

To Lord Lee Yimu,

This may come to you as bad news, but Eunuch Yun was caught. I'm not sure how, but he is currently being held in Hwang's dungeon and is continuing to be interrogated for information.

A trial of sorts happened today, for him, and Sunghyun had given away all of our information, excluding our plans and the names of the others in the City. Additionally, he will not be returning to Kang anytime soon nor will he return after he is released. Because the moment he tells the Hwang Emperor everything he wants to hear, he will be executed immediately.

What worries me is how fast Sunghyun gave away everything, within a day of interrogation. I'm concerned he'll give away everything within the next few weeks. Maybe to prevent that, we should find a way to silence him.

Youngheum was also apprehended. The guards and ministers suspected him because he came into the City with Sunghyun a while back. I am not sure how his interrogation will go, and I don't know if his identity will be revealed, but I will let you know about the outcome soon enough.

The City, now, is on high alert about the rest of the spies. More Lee guards are posted around the City, so those inside will not be able to leave to visit Kang as often anymore. If we want to send you information, we will have to do so by letter. It will risk our identities if we were to leave the City physically, so I will notify the others soon about this plan.

Expect more news in a few days to a week.


"Highness," Geunseo began, noticing the name signed at the bottom, "the name, Mark. That-"

"A secret name, in case the letter is opened up by someone who isn't Yimu." Minhyung folded up the letter as small as he could, tying a thin string around it to keep it together. He then slid it over to his servant.

Geunseo hid the small letter into his sleeve, keeping a mental note to remember to send it out in a few days. "Does His Excellency know this name of yours?"

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