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Special Chapter Two: The Frightened Crown Prince
(Alternative Title: Curious Seventeen)
Updated: July 19, 2021
Edited: December 28, 2021

Passed the exam... Minghao passed the exam!

The results came back a month ago. Now, ten-year-old Xu Minghao was on his way to the City. To meet his new master, his new teacher. He was so excited. He had wanted to study medicine since the time he first helped care for his mother's injury. When he heard there was an opportunity to study with one of the best doctors in Huang, Minghao didn't let the opportunity slide and signed up to take the exam. The day he signed up, there were hundreds and hundreds of names written before him, and only thirteen children were going to be accepted for fifteen years of studying. So many people wanted to be a disciple, so many people went to the examinations, Minghao thought he wasn't going to be able to pass.

But, here he was, walking with twelve other children up to the large gates of the Imperial City. Strangely, there were no girls. Minghao had thought he remembered seeing a larger number of girls than boys who signed up for the exam. Guess none of them passed.

He was nudged.

"Hello!" greeted a taller boy in Korean.

Ah... Korean... Minghao immediately felt stressed. There were Korean kids that wanted to be doctors? He was screwed. He knew little to no Korean. He lived a few towns over, at least twenty kilometers away from the Korean-Chinese Guanghua, where barely anyone spoke Korean.

"A-ah, h-hello," he greeted in return, his attempt not the best.

The boy said something he didn't understand, but he gestured to another boy, who was talking with someone else. The two of them exchanged a few phrases before the new boy turned to Minghao with a smile. This boy had a round face shape and had a pointy nose and large cheekbones.

"Hello, do you know how to speak Chinese?"

Minghao let out a sigh of relief at the sound of the familiar language. "Yeah, I do."

"I'm Wen Junhui. How old are you?"

"I'm Xu Minghao. I'm eleven this year."

The new boy, Wen Junhui, put his arm around the little Minghao. "You're a year younger than me, but you don't have to call me 'ge' or 'hyung'. Jun is just fine."

Minghao chuckled awkwardly.

"Since you don't know Korean, I'd have to teach you, don't I? No one else here speaks Chinese but me and you."

"N-no one else?"

Junhui shook his head. "Sadly, but that's okay. I'm fluent in Korean, so I can be a pretty helpful teacher for my new little didi!"


"No problem. We will be brothers once we kowtow to our new master."

The two of them walked side by side the rest of the way, small talk was shared here and there about the new learning experience.

A large set of dark blue painted walls sat across the stone bridge, which hovered over a deep moat. Dozens of imperial guards stood guarding both the gate on the other side of the bridge as well as in front of the bridge, allowing no one to pass through. Their swords and spears glared threateningly at everyone.

The tall boy who first greeted Minghao earlier stepped to the front of the group to speak with the guards, holding out a token.

"'You shall not pass,' said the guard," Junhui translated.

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