
352 29 26

Forty Seven
Updated: October 18, 2021
Edited: December 29, 2021

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Excuse me! Apologies!" Minghao trampled through and passed the crowd of people, making his way to the bedridden prince, carrying a paper package.

He completely forgot about the royal families' presence, solely focused on the task he was given.

As he unwrapped the package, he picked out a small handful of light bark-colored herbs. He had brought a teapot here along with the package, which he tossed the herbs into. "Your Royal Highness Lee, did you find the feverfew?" He kept his focus on the medicine and the task at hand, oblivious to the people.

"A-ah, yes, yes I did." The said prince shook his attention to Minghao, shuffling over to give him the few stems of feverfew he had grabbed.

Upon receiving them, he tossed it right into the pot, closing the lid and setting it aside. That's when he noticed the set of eyes staring at him from the bed. He yelped but regained himself quickly. "Second Senior Disciple! I didn't know you woke up! I have some medicine for you. If you could drink some then-"

Just by looking at the eyes of his senior disciple, he could tell there was no reaction to the words Minghao was telling him. Renjun stared aimlessly at him, blank, empty of emotion. There was almost a gray dullness to them.

For a moment, Minghao looked directly into Renjun's eyes and then examined the rest of the prince. There was no reaction at all, but he could tell the young prince was not dead.

His chest rose and fell, there was sweat forming on his forehead, and his eyes blinked periodically. There was one strange thing.

There was no reaction to their close distance.

Maybe... maybe he could feed the medicine to the prince.

He turned to the pot of herbal tea he had made and poured some into a bowl, which had a small porcelain spoon sitting in its mouth. Carefully, he stirred the yellowish contents, scooping out a small amount with the spoon. He glanced nervously between the spoon and the unreactive prince, unsure. "Uh, if you'll excuse my rudeness, Senior." He placed the bowl on the bed, carefully, beside Renjun's bed, as he himself leaned forward to the prince's head. With his now free hand, Minghao gently pushed Renjun's lip down, opening his mouth. He blew lightly at the liquid on the spoon, cooling it down, and then, poured the liquid into the prince's open mouth, forcing him to swallow. Minghao repeated the steps a few times until the bowl was nearly empty.

When Minghao finished, he put the bowl and spoon on the table, reached into his clothing for a prescription he had written before arriving, and placed the prescription by Renjun's head. Minghao then stood up to leave since his work was done.

"Oh! My Heavens!" He exclaimed when he turned around. Royals were everywhere! When did they- how did he not notice them at all? He immediately bowed to the many of them. "This one sincerely apologizes for not greeting Your Highnesses and Majesties. This one was-"

The Huang Emperor put a hand up, halting Minghao's rant. "No need." When he put his hand down and when Minghao straightened up, Xinyue glanced at his son. "How is he?"

"A-ah, the Senior will be just fine. This one just gave him some medicine for the pain and headache he is feeling."

"But, where's the antidote? Why haven't you given him the antidote for his poison?" Xinyue's voice rose in anger.

His wife beside him placed a hand on his shoulder, calming him down.

Minghao had a cold sweat. He dropped to his knees.

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