
362 25 32

Sixty Six
Updated: February 28, 2022
Edited: February 28, 2022

Author's Note
Warning for depictions of gore and abuse at the beginning and minor depictions of sexual harassment and no consensual touching towards the end of this first section. Please skip to the next section if you are uncomfortable. Be safe! (I have written a summary for those who decide to skip and would still like to know what happened.)

"Arrghh..." Groaning, Renjun opened his eyes and sat up with a bit of a struggle. "Where am I?" He asked himself, his eyes adjusting to the brightly lit room.

When he sat up, he found himself sitting on a clean bed. The silk quilt covering him was soft and beautiful embroidered with dragons and phoenixes. The bed was placed in a corner with a bookshelf placed at the foot. The shelf was filled with more books than it could hold, piling even on the floor. Past that was a small table with green silk cushions level with the floor. There was even a desk with more filled bookshelves to its sides and a larger one behind it. The desk itself was clean with a white sheet of paper laid out, two brushes resting on a small long block, and a stone ink tray with a stick on ink lying on its edge. Across the room from the bed were a vanity table and a closet next to it. A copper mirror sat on the vanity table, its reflective surface clean and clear.

He could see himself in the small mirror. He... wasn't wearing the same clothes he was that day. He wore a white set of robes, embroidered with subtle flowery designs. Even, his hair was put up differently. A white jade hairpin was stabbed into a messy half-bun on the back of his head.

Everything was unfamiliar.

He... he wasn't home...

This wasn't the Palace of Longlife Purity...

He was in Kang, wasn't he?

Renjun's eyes snapped to his wrists, the image from his dream flashing before him suddenly. But, when he saw that nothing was wrapped around his wrist, he relaxed a bit. He even pulled apart his clothing to check his skin, and luckily, nothing.

Sighing a breath of relief, he swung the silk off of him and then dropped his legs over the edge of the bed.

Clink! Clink!

His eyes widened.


Leaning forward and looking at his feet, he noticed the heavy chain leading from his ankle to a metal loop in the middle of the room.


He stared blankly at the chain, feeling his fingers shaking violently.

Jumping off of the bed, he didn't bother putting on his shoes, running in his silk socks to where he saw the door. The chain attached to his ankle clunked as he moved.

He had to leave.

Unfortunately, the door wasn't a real door. On the other side, about five meters away was a set of bars. In those five meters of space was a small pond and a small garden. Stepping outside the room, he turned around to gaze at where he came out.

It was a small building like a little cottage built on the side of a mountain. It was much smaller than one of the buildings back at home, only able to fit one large room.

Turning back around, he saw tall stone walls surrounding the building, as tall as the dark blue walls at home, but there was no sky. Above him was stone, not a single light from outside could be seen. Even past the bars, there was no sunlight, only the light of torches down a single long hallway.

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