
247 18 14

Seventy Eight
Updated: September 27, 2022

The metal door creaked open, and Yongqin looked over. "Yimu-ge is finished already?"

The prince consort closed the door behind him, locking the door with a key only he and Yongqin had. His clothes looked clean and untouched with only a few ruffles here and there.

"So fast?"

"He's disgustingly thin," he commented with distaste. "You think I would be in the mood to fuck him like that? I thought I told you to fucking feed him!" His voice boomed angrily at his cousin.

"Your Highness." Yongqin dropped to his knees in an apologetic bow, his heavy armor clinking against each other. "This one did feed him. I had placed the-"


He lowered his head. "..."

Yimu grabbed Yongqin by his collar, spitting into his face, "did you expect him to eat on his own? DID YOU?"


"That little shit," he seethed, "has grown incompetent the moment that other fucker was kicked to the hole. Did you forget already?"

The other fucker Yimu was referring to was Minhyung.

"I- I didn't, I-"

"SHUT IT!" He threw the guard back to the ground.

He landed on his arm, wincing in pain. He was lucky that his scars from those months ago had healed. If it was back then, he would be bleeding through this guard uniform already.

"You're lucky you're my cousin, Yongqin, otherwise, you would've ended up in the same cage as that Mark."

Yongqin held himself from the ground, keeping his head lowered.

Yimu inhaled and exhaled, calming his boiling anger. "Feed him correctly this time. I will not be back for another week or so." He straightened his sleeves and his robes, trying to look more professional. "I have to tend to the Empress." Sending a glare to Yongqin, he warned, "if he has not gained weight by then, don't be so sure that you'll be so lucky."

"Of- of course."

With that, the prince consort left the dungeon, leaving the newly appointed guard still on the ground.

Yongqin groaned painfully, his arm giving out and dropping him back onto the ground. He was too weak for this. Youngho was right. His bones and muscles were much too frail for him to be kicked around like a doll. Any more of this, Yongqin might actually break a bone.

Inhaling deeply, Yongqin pushed himself up onto his feet.

Just a few more days, he told himself.

No, at most a month.

It'll be over then.

If Yimu didn't catch on yet...

He looked over at the table against the wall where he had some food prepared for the crown prince in the dungeon. The food wasn't the best food a prince could eat, but that was all the kitchen would prepare for a special prisoner: a plate of red braised pork and a plate of steamed gua bao buns. The New Years food Yongqin had prepared the night before came from his own dinner that he didn't eat. He really did feel guilty towards his prince, having to suffer all of these months without any signs of help. The pain and suffering, Yongqin couldn't imagine it. He was nearly glad that His Highness was so skinny that even Yimu decided not to do anything, but seeing him in such a sorrowful state, Yongqin couldn't feel a glimmer of happiness.

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