
326 28 17

Fifty Six
Updated: December 27, 2021

His head snapped to the side, gazing at the door that opened.


He stood up immediately, alarming the wolf-dog that was trying to sleep peacefully. Renjun rushed down from the pavilion and quickly towards the person who came out of the room. "W-what took you so long?" His voice shook, and his breathing quaked.

Alarmed, Jeno rushed forward, the armor clanking as he moved. He was wearing it to get used to it. "What's the matter, Injoon? Are you okay?" Immediately, his eyes scanned the area, only to see nothing. Servants were scattered around completing their work for the day; nothing dangerous was around.

Renjun chewed on his lip nervously; his gaze pinned on Jeno's chest armor.

"What's the matter?"

"W-what took you so long?"

Jeno chuckled, "I only took ten minutes."

T-ten minutes? He looked away embarrassingly. "I- I thought-"

"What happened, Hyung? Why are you so anxious?" The younger gazed thoughtfully at him, softening. He noticed the way Renjun's eyes trembled. Looking up again, he noticed the older's servant was nowhere to be seen. "Where's Insi?"

"I- I dismissed him."

"Ah, okay. Did you finish eating?"

He shook his head.

"Why not?"

Renjun didn't answer, feeling slightly embarrassed; his cheeks turning a light pink. He took a step back, pretending he didn't just run up to Jeno in a panic.


The door to Jaemin's room opened, and the second blonde prince came out, donned in his own armor.

Gazing over, the Chinese finally noticed the two of them and the armor they wore. The armor looked like they fit just perfectly: each piece fitting snugly on their body. They matched as well; the only difference being the colored metal. Their armor was attached to silk, making it look more like a casual outfit than a battle uniform—this made movement more flexible. Each of them carried a helmet each embedded with gems the color of their empire as well as a thick tassel of silk flowing down from the top. They were a vest that pointed outward, covering their shoulders and chest. The piece broke into halves, mobilizing their upper body. It matched the structure of their lungs and ribcage. Underneath the chest piece was chainmail that was dyed a color, matching their empires' colors. It revealed itself where the two halves of the vest met in the center. The chainmail seemed to wrap around under their armor, reappearing just above their knees. A belt tightly wrapped around their waist, tightening the grip of the armor hanging from their waist down. The entire set made their chests look slightly bigger and their waists look slightly thinner.

Renjun questioned whether or not the armor was meant for battle or whether it was for attracting women. (He had to remind himself not to stare).

Jeno didn't look over at Jaemin; his focus was on Renjun, whose hands were shaking visibly. "Hyung?"

His eyes darted over.

"What happened? Why are you anxious?"

"N-nothing happened. I- I was just wondering why you two took so long." That was half true.

With an exhale, Jeno turned to Hanji and Jeowon. "You two go clean the pavilion table and then, you may be dismissed."

The two servants bowed before walking side by side up to the pavilion to complete their task, so they could quickly finish the rest of their chores for the day.

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