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Seventy Two
Updated: May 30, 2022

Author's Note
Once again, trigger warning for nonconsensual touching, but no rape. Trigger warning for manipulation and gaslighting! Also minor trigger warning for abuse! Be careful!

The light in his cage was bright, but it wasn't unusual. The room was always bright. Renjun never wanted to blow out the candles, keeping them on all day and all night. He was afraid of the dark. Of whatever monster might lurk in the shadows and grab him by the ankles. When the wax of the candle burned out, Renjun would huddle by the last one in the corner of the room until someone came in and replaced them, but never once had all of the candles burned out.

It was a time of day Renjun couldn't tell when he fluttered his eyes open. It seemed he had passed out of exhaustion sometime ago, and he had somehow slept a good amount without the interruption of a nightmare or bad dream. The sleep was so unexpectedly comfortable that it took Renjun a long moment before he realized he had actually slept normally for once.

"You're awake."

Renjun tensed, his eyes snapping wide open.

So much for a good sleep.

The voice had come from just by his feet.

"I've been waiting for a long time now."

He pulled his feet up slowly; the chain on his ankle clanging softly. "..."

Yimu grabbed his barefoot with rough hands, yanking him back as he crawled on top. "Going somewhere?"

It wasn't long before Renjun felt his heartbeat quicken and his breath turn shallow. Where Yimu had touched his foot, his skin itched and ached and burned, but he resisted going down to scape at it with his fingers. The man's presence literally hovered over him, pulling and drowning him in a fear Renjun wished so much that he could avoid that he could hide from.

"..." His breath became louder as the man continued to hover over him. He felt his sweat building up on his forehead, sticking short strands of hair against his scalp. The longer the silence was and the longer Yimu was still there, Renjun, to his demise, felt the disgusting hands that he had felt on his body too many times to count. He felt the hands, that weren't there, touch him everywhere, dragging and caressing his neck, chest, stomach, and hips. "Go- go away... go away..." he pleaded desperately. "G-go away... I-I want to go home..."

"Have you decided? Gege doesn't want to wait another month." His breath was right on his nose.

The warmth turned into a light condensation that Renjun found too disgusting. "I... I want to go h-home..."


He was speaking, but it wasn't the answer or response Yimu had wanted.

A question was asked nearly a month ago. A question Renjun thought about too often, but also a question Renjun didn't want to think about. Because no matter how much he wanted the benefits of it, he didn't want to do it. He couldn't do it. He... he would suffer too much.

"Cute Didi. Gege, is still waiting for your response. Will you answer?"

"G-go a-away..."

A large hand touched his chin, and Renjun tensed up, feeling the way a shaky, burning feeling was etched into him. The thumb brushed his skin roughly, leaving a light pink trace behind, but it didn't stop there. It trailed to his jaw, stroking the edge as if he was there to press black and purple bruises.

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