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Updated: January 7, 2020
Edited: August 28, 202

The doors of the front gate to the Imperial City opened slowly with a loud groaning sound. Renjun was headed to the common folk town, Guanghua. Before he left, he had changed out of his ceremonial clothing and into something more comfortable—a simple but elegant set of navy blue clothing. He had Xiao Yue carrying a small silk pouch that contained eleven eyes and five stones, a total of one-thousand one-hundred-fifty coins. He had two imperial guards, who followed closely behind—members of the imperial family were prohibited to leave the City without an escort—to visit some friends of his and collect the money they made. They weren't really friends, but they insisted on calling the prince their friend. They were just helpers to him. They would take his paintings and sell them for him. Then, they would give that money to him, and of course, he'd pay them for their favors.

"Your Highness, are you sure you want to head out at this time of day? It'll be past nightfall by the time we get back." His imperial guards were a nuisance. They were always so reluctant to go with him on short trips. He knew he should've brought his personal guards with him instead, but he had posted them in front of his room back in his palace.

Renjun didn't bother responding.

"Right, my apologies," the guard said, realizing his mistakes. He bowed to the prince, shamefully.

Once the doors were wide open, Renjun walked through them and over the bridge which led to the town. Renjun sighed in frustration upon seeing the crowd of people standing just on the other side of the bridge. They would always do that. Always wanting a peek at the royal family, but luckily, the guards standing post there would always do their job well by keeping the common folk away from the City.

"Out of the way!" shouted the dominant voice of his other guard. The two guards pushed aside the crowd of people with their sheathed swords. The people would continue to follow them after they were pushed away as the prince walked through, which is why Renjun hates traveling in a common folk town. He had to though, to get his errands done.

Usually, a servant or a messenger would deliver and send things for the people in the Imperial City, but Renjun preferred to do it himself. He didn't mind servants getting food, cleaning, and such, but when it comes to personal messages, Renjun didn't like having people intrude on his personal life.

"It's the Untouchable Prince!"

"Look at him! He's so handsome."

"Prince Renjun!"

"I wish I was a princess, so I could marry him!" exclaimed a woman.

The man beside her turned to her and huffed, "I'm your husband, what do you mean you want to marry him?"

"You can't marry him! He's 'untouchable' for a reason!!"

"He's such a beautiful man!"

The people kept muttering things to each other about the prince. The words of the many women around made him sick. He wasn't into women, the people know that, but they always seemed to ignore the announcements from the Imperial City. They did and said whatever they wanted to.

"Look, it's that dog of his!"

"What's that in its mouth? Was it stolen from the prince?"

"Why is it so large?"

"Isn't that a wolf?"

"Why's that wolf following the prince?"

Renjun sighed. These people never kept their thoughts to themselves. He never understood why they would pour out their thoughts to people they, themselves, barely even knew.

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