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Eighty Nine
Updated: July 31, 2023

Not even a day had passed and news of Minhyung's capture spread throughout the entirety of the Huang Imperial City, just beginning to spread through the rest of the empire and further. Of course, this meant that the current princes residing within the Imperial City eventually heard of the news, including Minhyung's own beloved fiancé, who had been isolating himself to his own residence since long before Jeno and Jaemin had left.

There was a soft knock on Donghyuck's door, but even though Donghyuck was awake and busy, he didn't respond. Still, the person walked into the room silently, a tense expression on his face as he stood about two meters from the prince.

Donghyuck knew exactly who this person was, so he was frightened or alarmed when he walked in unannounced. "What is it, Hyung?" The prince's voice was soft and husky, void of emotion when he spoke. It had been like this for a while now, but Guhyung had already gotten used to it despite the concerns that were raised deep within his heart.

"It's His Highness."

Confused, Donghyuck asked, "who?"

The servant lowered his head, and the tone of his voice softened, almost as if he was feeling guilty about what he was going to say, "His Highness, Young Master. It's Lee Minhyung."

"What?" Donghyuck paused, finally turning his head to face the servant standing behind him as he processed what he just heard. His hands trembled, and the small pieces of red jade that was freshly glued to the surface of the large piece that sat in the palm threatened to slide off onto the table. In his dominant hand was a set of small thin metal tweezers. Between the metal was another piece of red jade that dropped in the pile of other small pieces spread about on top of a black fabric sheet.

"He's.. he's home."


For some reason, he didn't feel the excitement he thought he was going to feel the moment he finally heard those words. Rather, he didn't feel anything. His mind remained blank, as if he was expecting something more, waiting for something to feel, yet nothing came, he was void of emotion.

"Would the Young Master like to visit him?"

"When... when did he get back?"

"Just today."

"Jeno-hyung and Jaemin... brought him back? Then is-"

"His Highnesses are not back, Young Master..." the servant's voice was gentle. "They are still in Kang, waiting for information. His Highness was sent back with the Fifth Commander of the Frozen Battalion."

"The Fifth Commander Kwon?"

He nodded.

"..." Donghyuck's expression remained calm, but something uncomfortable stirred within him. After all, he knew exactly who this infamous Fifth Commander was, and immediately figured out the purpose of him returning with Minhyung.

"His Majesties are holding His Highness in a cell in the dungeon. He... most likely cannot come and see you at his will."

He raised his eyes to meet Guhyung's. "They..." his voice caught slightly in his throat, "they approved of his interrogation methods?"

Guhyung slightly frowned. "It seems so."

"When... when will he begin?"

"...soon. His Imperial Highnesses are waiting for information from His Highness to come out. By sending His Highness with the Fifth Commander back, they are hoping that information will be securely revealed and sent quickly back to where they are now."

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