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Special Chapter Six: When We Started...
(Alternative Title: Sparks)
Updated: November 6, 2023

He was early.

What a relief.

Only a handful of his new classmates were already sitting in their respective seats in his new classroom. If there were any more, Yongqin was afraid that he would have to actually communicate with them, asking around for a seat that wasn't saved. That... that would be a pain.

Quietly and quickly, Yongqin shuffled himself to the front of the classroom, sitting in the first row at one of the seats in front of the teacher's desk. On his desk, no, in fact on all of the other desks, there was already an inkstone, an ink dish, and a small dish of water. It seemed he didn't need to bring his own like his mother had told him to.

He could only sigh as he rummaged through his bag and pulled out his textbooks, placing them neatly in the corner of his desk while he placed an empty notebook in front of him, treating all of these books with the most care. After all, his mother spent a pretty penny on all of these books just so he could attend this scholar's academy.

Amidst his focus, another boy sat to the right of him, leaning against his desk, staring at him. And, the moment Yongqin gazed up and noticed the boy in the corner of his eye, he flinched and nearly fell over.

"Hi," said the boy. A big smile was plastered on his clean handsome face, his soft cheeks round and full. He seemed to come from a pretty well-off family, not giving off a single feeling of impropriety.

"Hi," Yongqin responded.

"What's your name?" The boy tilted his head in curiosity, the loose strand of hair falling to the side.

Yongqin stared at the boy for a moment, unsure of which name to give him. His mother never taught him whether to give his Chinese name, Korean name, or Thai name. "Um... Lee Youngeum."

"No," the boy denied.

Yongqin raised a brow.

"What's your real name?"

"Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul."

The boy straightened up, eyes brightening at the foreign language. That didn't seem like the answer he was looking for; however, he was happy nonetheless. "Woah! What language is that?"


"Do you know any other languages? I know English!"

Yongqin smiled, "I know English too and Chinese."

"Oh wait, really? My Korean name is Seo Youngho. English name is Johnny!" The boy's English accent was smooth and undoubtedly fluent, a rare sound in East Asia. "You can call me whatever."

"Then, I'll call you Johnny."

His new friend suddenly frowned.

"What is it?"

"But, I don't have a name to call you."

Yongqin raised a brow, amused and confused at the same time. Didn't he give the boy two of his names? He could call him by either one.

"Like, a nickname," Youngho clarified.

"Oh, uh... my mother and my friends from Thailand call me Ten."

"Ten!" He seemed satisfied by that answer. "I'll call you Ten, and you call me Johnny." He then held out his hand cheesily, asking for an informal handshake. "Nice to meet you Ten."

Yongqin decided to amuse him and took the small chubby hand with his own, shaking it with a smile. "Nice to meet you too, Johnny."

"Hey," Youngho suddenly changed the topic—he seemed to be really energetic, never once dwelling on one thing at a time, always curious about new things. "Are you also nine?"

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