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Eighty Six
Updated: February 8, 2023

Author's Note

Trigger warning for sexual harassment and similar topics in the first part of this chapter.

The door to his faux room slammed open, and he physically jumped, pressing himself against the corner on his bed. Yimu had entered his room like this many times before when he was pissed or frustrated at the world outside. He would always slam the bars open, stomping across the yard, and sometimes even pushing the door open so hard that it breaks off its hinges. Then, following that, well... he would proceed to do what he wished with his prisoner.

Renjun hugged his legs close, watching as Yimu entered the room with raging frustration and anger. The doors were slammed behind him, and thankfully, this time, they didn't break off, only ricocheting gently and landing back where they belonged.

"FUCKING HELL!!" He roared, eyes sweeping the room. When they landed on Renjun, his eyes turned red as he pointed angrily at the door he came in from. "YOU! YOU'RE FUCKING LITTLE TOYS!" He throws his hand down before he paces around the room.

Surprisingly, he didn't immediately go for Renjun, his usual priority while down in his miserable dungeon.

The crown prince remained silent, feeling his lower half heating up painfully. Just seeing Yimu in the room, he could already feel the scratchy and unwelcoming fingers running all over his naked body. He could feel the pain and uncomfort digging deep into his core and the tearless cries scraping against the inside of his face, but his outside composure remained emotionless.

"THOSE BASTARDS THINK THEY COULD JUST BARGE INTO MY LAND AND DECIDE TO SIT AND THREATEN ME?!?!" He picked up a candle from its holder on top of a bookshelf, his bare hands gripping the hot melted wax, and chucking it at the mirror across from him. Unexpectedly, the copper mirror shattered from the impact of the soft candle, the cracks and splotches of wax scattering the surface.

"..." Renjun flinched.

Yimu let out a cackle, "THOSE- THOSE BASTARDS!! THOSE FUCKING BASTARDS!!" He pushed the bookshelf over, causing the other candles and the books to tumble immediately to the ground, creating a messy pile of ruined and burnt books and scrolls. "Crown Prince Na Jaemin and Crown Prince Lee Jeno," he warned to no one in particular.

Renjun couldn't believe it. Both his fiancés... they were there for him? After so many months...? The two people that he thought had abandoned him for so long were actually here, just outside the Kang Imperial City? Were they here to finally bring him back... To bring him back... back home...?

Renjun stared poker faced at the foot of his bed. The excitement he thought he would feel wasn't there. He felt nothing in his heart. Nothing stirred. Nothing moved. It still felt as painful as it did the moment he realized they wouldn't come for him, blank, cold, empty, hurting. And, there was something else. Something else that he never thought he would feel towards them again... fear...

"Did you know," Yimu spoke to Renjun this time, "that your oh-so-lovely grandfather is with them too?"

He lifted his head.

His grandfather? Chen Jianxi?

Renjun didn't even remember what his grandfather looked like. It had been years, but he would look like his mother, right? The beautiful round-faced empress? But, he couldn't even remember his mother's face. He couldn't remember if her skin was pale or if it was dark. If it was smooth or if it was scarred. The... the only face... he could see... was of the man standing just across the room from him.

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