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Updated: February 10, 2020
Edited: August 28, 2021

"Hey, didn't you hear? Prince Renjun was engaged just yesterday!"

"Really? To who?"

"She must be so lucky!"

"It's not a woman!"

Renjun sighed and gripped his sword. The reminder that he is now engaged made him sick. He didn't like it, but he had no choice in the matter.

"Out of the way!" The imperial guards continued to yell out the same couple of words to the people of Guanghua. They did as told and moved out of the way.

"It's the Prince of Lee!"

"I heard he's got strength greater than the strength of an elephant's stomp!"

The second oldest prince blushed at the comment. It was true he was strong, but that was a big overstatement.

"The three of them are so beautiful!"

"He's one of his new fiancés!"


"I'd be lucky to marry all of them!

Renjun was getting more and more sick of the comments. He wanted to quickly get to his friend's house. The fact that he had to travel to the center of the town was irritating. The center was at least two kilometers from the City gate. It should take at least twenty-five minutes to forty minutes to travel that and they were barely even half a kilometer in.

"Jeno~" The tone Jaemin used made Jeno shutter. It was one of those voices you'd use to talk to a young child.

"Don't call me like that." He felt naked hearing Jaemin. It was uncomfortable, especially in a public area. It was fine last night since no one was around to see or hear it, but it's a different story now.

"Tell me. Are you really that strong?" Jaemin had hooked his arm with Jeno's and pressed himself against the other.

Jeno's heart began to beat faster than normal, and he felt embarrassed. Was it embarrassment? Or was it something else? He didn't know and didn't care, he just wasn't used to it.

"Stop." The statement from Jeno was quick and short, but it was clear.

Jaemin had removed himself from the older and pouted with a quiet but loud 'hmph'!

"Stop messing around," Renjun scolded the two of them.

Jaemin huffed again, crossing his arms across his chest. "No fun," he muttered, then his eyes brightened. "Je-no fun!" Jaemin started laughing to himself. That name was going to stick, and he knows it. He just needed one for the small Renjun.

Speaking of Renjun, when Jaemin began his small fit of laughter, Renjun turned back and shot a glare at the younger. "I told you to stop messing around! You-" He had so much to say to the younger, but with all the people watching, he would surely be judged and despised. "Hurry up. We're nearly there." he finally said, throwing his hand down in frustration.

Ahead of them, a crowd had begun to form around some yelling and what seemed to be crying. Two of Renjun's imperial guards went up ahead to check out the situation, the others catching up at a much slower pace.

"Do you think someone had fainted from our looks?" Jaemin cheekily said, a small grin on his face.

"Don't joke about this. Something bad might have happened." Jeno whispered. He didn't want to be in more trouble with the brunette than he already was unlike the other blonde prince, who just kept stacking up trouble after trouble.

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