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Seventy Seven
Updated: September 13, 2022

Author's Note
Nothing happens, but be warned that this is a Renjun chapter. Slight warning: abuse, mentions of pedophilia, mentions of rape. No summary will be provided because I believe this chapter is tolerable; however, if something does come up while you are reading that causes you to skip, let me know, and I will provide a summary for you.

New Year's day. At least that's what he heard it was.

Nothing felt any different than it did a day ago. He felt the same pressure, the same itchiness, the same wetness, the same pain, the same discomfort. Everything felt the same.

But, it was supposed to be different, wasn't it? That was the point of New Year's. Everything was supposed to be different, different from the last, better than the last, so why? So why does it feel almost exactly the same? Why did he wake up in the same damned room? Why did he wake up to bars across the faux garden? Why did he wake up with a metal chain still attached to his black ankle? Where were his fiancés? Where was his family? Where was his wolf-dog? Why wasn't he home yet?

Why was he still here?

He lay still on the bed. Sheets and blankets were thrown about away from him, yet Renjun remained unfazed by the coolness of the dungeon air. He was curled with his arms and legs hugged closely to his chest. Dried tears stained his emotionless face as he stared blankly at whatever he was seeing in front of him.

It was just a table with a top covered with delicacies. The guard, whoever he was now, was kind enough to bring some into the cell the night before; however, Renjun left it untouched, and what once was a table of delicacies was now a table of hungry pregnant flies.

It wasn't the flies Renjun was looking at, but the invisible figures only he could see.

His heart ached painfully as he watched them laugh and converse together, eating away happily at the food. Their smiles were so bright, so beautiful. Smiles that Renjun longed to see in person, longed to have. They stared at each other with such loving eyes as if the other was the entire world. They seemed to hardly care what was around them. Even if the world was burning, they wouldn't care.

How lucky they were. Happy while he was in pain.

These figures. These imaginary images of his fiancés. They were in their own world without Renjun, yet they seemed happy. It was like he never existed in the first place. Like he was just an annoying fly that they finally were able to get rid of.

He watched them for a while, feeling his heartstrings snap each moment they made eye contact. When they looked over in his direction, his heart skipped a beat, but he knew well that they weren't actually looking at him.

Renjun's stomach growled, but he wasn't hungry. He never was anymore.

He had stopped eating willingly weeks and weeks ago, refusing to eat anything the guard put out for him. Even if it was his favorite dishes or desserts, he left it on the table to rot. He had lost weight. Ten or so kilograms. His cheeks had sunken in, and his eyebags seemed more prominent. His hands had thinned, and his ribs could be seen more visibly.

Yimu was visibly upset when he had come the night before. He hadn't seen Renjun in a handful of days, and it came to a visible shock when he saw how skinny his precious treasure had become. And so, after forcefully feeding him a bowl of rice, he- well... you know.

Renjun puked everything out again, only digesting less than a tenth of what he ate.

He was tired.

So very tired.

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