
354 32 16

Forty Nine
Updated: November 1, 2021

"'Disgusting'?" He quoted angrily. "I'm disgusting? Clearly, he was the one that thought of what I said as disgusting. He was the one who thought of it weirdly, why am I to blame?"

Jeno, who was walking beside him, patted his shoulder. "Injoon will be Injoon, what can we do? If he thinks you're disgusting, that's what you are," he laughed.

The pair had left Renjun's room after being kicked out. Well, only Jaemin was asked to leave, but Jeno had followed him, only because Renjun looked a bit outraged by Jaemin's comment ('a bit' might've been an understatement). They were returning there after taking a walk around the City, hoping that once they returned Renjun would've calmed down a bit—they walked around for almost two hours and even had some lunch made from the kitchen.

"What?" Jaemin punched Jeno's chest. "You're supposed to be on my side, not his."

"But, I'm supposed to defend him."

"But, you're also my fiancé! Not just his!"

Jeno just shrugged.


As they walked up to the palace gates, loud conversations were taking place inside, and the two didn't have to think much about it to know that it was Chenle and Donghyuck in there. Who else would sound that worried besides Renjun's own family? So, they weren't especially worried about any threats and went in quite calmly.

"Chenle," said a stern voice, "please shut the fuck up. My head hurts more by listening to your voice."

There was an audible gasp, "rude!" It was followed by muffled noises.

"It might be best if you shut up then. What if the poison kills him faster because you're making his blood boil?"

When they went inside, the two brothers began fighting each other, pulling at each other's clothes and smacking each other. Renjun sat on the edge of the bed with a sigh, and Jisung mirrored his expression from where he sat on the chair.


Renjun got up from where he was, his face lighting up. "Thank the Heavens you dirty rats are here!"

"Did you just-"

He didn't let Jaemin finish his question, walking up to him and grabbed his and Jeno's hand. "Bye, Lele! Bye, Hyuck-ah! Bye, Jisungie! See you another day!" He began to drag them out of the room, only for Jeno to sink his heels into the ground and grip Renjun's hand quite tightly, preventing the oldest to drag them anywhere.

Donghyuck's eyes widened.

"What?" Chenle asked, noticing the subtle change in his brother's posture.

Donghyuck pointed at Renjun with a shaking hand. "H-he's- he-"

Chenle shrieked when he saw what his brother was pointing at.

"S-since when?"

Renjun looked at his cousins, confused as to what they were referring to. That was when he looked down at his hands. "Shit." He forgot that they didn't know and shook his hands out of the younger crown prince's hands. "Since no when!" He tried to cover up. "Let's leave, Jeno, Jaemin."

Jeno still stood in front of the door, blocking his escape.

"Jeno-ah, move."

The younger only nodded to Jaemin.

"What?" He looked back at Jaemin.

"Apologize to him. You called him disgusting."


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