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Seventy One
Updated: May 23, 2022

Author's Note
Trigger warning for uncomfortable imagery of post-rape. Be careful.

The masked man was nice.

That was the only thing Renjun knew.

The masked man was nice and the unmasked man wasn't.

He came in every time after Yimu left, exactly ten minutes after, and Renjun had learned to wait for him patiently, the nice man. After weeks of seeing him, the prince learned that he wasn't there to harm but to help instead, so he didn't fight back. He let the man clean him and change him, but he never spoke to him.

Renjun would have lost his voice by the time Yimu left and couldn't respond besides with a nod or a shake of his head, but he listened to the man. He listened to the man speak to him, listened to the calming voice that reminded him of someone back at home. Although small, hearing his voice brought him peace. If Renjun could, he would fall asleep to the man's soft voice, and he would probably dream of something nice.

However Renjun hard tried, sleep never was his friend.

Laying where he was, Renjun's breathing was heavy, feeling his breath choke when he sobbed. That night, or day (he couldn't tell time anymore), Renjun was left in the middle of a pile of books with torn pages scattered over his body and across the floor. His clothing was torn at its edges but it stayed on his body, hanging just barely on his shoulders, and his hair was a tangled mess. He bled from his lip, his neck, and his rear, but all of this was a regular occurrence as Yimu got angrier and angrier.

There were five knocks on the door. "Highness, I'm here." Then, without being invited in, the masked man walked inside as he always did, carrying a new set of clothes and a pan of water.

Renjun was getting bathed tonight.

Finding the prince in the corner, the masked man shuffled over carefully, setting the pan of water carefully on the surface of a table before crouching down and pushing aside all of the trashed books. Silently, he sat Renjun up, peeled away the rest of the clothes, and threw them into the pile of books. He would have to throw that out for how ruined the once nice robes were.

Seeing the damage on Renjun along with the damage on the prince's body from the dozens of nights before, the man noticed the brutality from that night. "His Excellency is angry."

"..." The prince didn't respond, only hugging his naked body as it shook and trembled. He felt ghostly hands grasp him by the shoulders, forcefully rub his chest, his back, and his legs. He was in pain, in major discomfort from what happened.

"It's not your fault," the man said. "It's the situation outside that is making His Excellency furious." He brought the pan down beside him and dipped the towel into the warm water.

Renjun watched his movements intently, tensing up and pulling his body away from the man when he moved closer to him. "..."

"Her Highness the Princess has returned a week early, so His Excellency is upset that he will not be able to see you as often. This is good news." Gently, the man grasped Renjun's hand with his calloused hands, gripping it tightly despite Renjun's struggles against it. With the soaked towel, he whipped and rubbed his skin, cleaning it.

Feeling the roughness of skin on his arm, Renjun tried to yank his arm back, crying in protest, "L-let go..." His voice was strained in the back of his throat. "I-I- I don't want it... g-go away!" The words came out habitually even though he knew the man meant no harm. Tears streamed down his face consistently.

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