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One Hundred Seven
Updated: February 6, 2024

A golden robe was displayed in the center of his room on a wooden rack, its sleeves spread wide and long. Dragons were embroidered across its chest and skirt, decorating almost every surface of its expensively woven golden silk with accents of a dark blue and purple. The robe itself was magnificent, a beautiful work of art, and it was made to precisely fit Renjun's body like a glove.

He had received it a week ago, to make sure no further adjustments were needed before the ascension ceremony, and since then, it sat in the same spot in his room, almost looming over his presence day after day until... well... now.

It had been months since Renjun's father passed away from illness and just the same amount of time since Renjun came back to the Imperial City, and the days that followed, Renjun had changed drastically. It was almost a miracle at how fast he recovered. His physical health had almost regained its former quality, being able to eat two full meals a day. The lost fat in his cheeks returned, filling in his hollow face, and the color in his face and skin shone beautifully. Although his strength was weaker than before, it was barely noticeable. Unfortunately, the one thing that couldn't recover as well as his mental health.

Despite the daily interactions with his close friends and his fiancés, strangers were still difficult to handle. Although he could speak with them almost as well as if he were speaking with his fiancés, the distance at which they—no, everyone had to stand was still quite far compared to the past.

So, when Jeno and Jaemin visited him the day before, he made a specific request for everyone to keep their distance during the entire ceremony. And, of course, they didn't reject it.

When he put on the golden robes, he found its weight pressing on his shoulders, much heavier than the ceremonial robes of a crown prince. He could feel the robes sitting on him, but it very much was manageable. If it were him a few months ago, he may not be able to even make it all the way to the ancestral hall before succumbing to its weight. The headpiece, too, the headpiece with beads, the mianguan, sat heavily at the top of his head. His hair was tied up into a neat bun and tucked under the headpiece. The beads dangled in front of his face, slightly distorting his vision like a useless curtain.

Staring at himself in the copper mirror, he could hardly recognize himself in the expensive silk.

Emperor Huang Renjun. He was no longer a crown prince. He was going to officially become the Son of Heaven, the title in which he was supposed to receive months ago.

Renjun couldn't help but wonder... was this how his father felt when he became emperor?

"Xiao Yue."

The wolf-dog stood at the call of her name, raising her head towards her owner, almost like she was proudly showing off her new extravagant collar.

"Let's go."

Stepping out into his courtyard, Renjun paused. Across from him, standing in front of his pavilion were four familiar faces, ones that he had only caught glimpses of outside of his residence. The four of them wore their uniforms, still with a white ribbon across their foreheads. Upon seeing him, the four of them bowed their heads.

"Renjun..." said Kun, lifting his head up just barely to look at the younger's feet. "You're ready?" It was almost awkward, the way he spoke, unsure of how to correctly address his childhood friend.

"I... don't really have a choice, Ge," he answered lightheartedly.

"It's a happy occasion," said Guanheng, trying to lighten up the mood. "An empty throne will finally be occupied by someone who is more than qualified. We... we will be by your side the entire way there."

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