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Ninety Seven
Updated: October 16, 2023


No, not the sound of birds, but the sound of crickets. They weren't loud but nor were they quiet as they rubbed their wings together, setting the mood of the early night. The sun had set a little while ago and stars had just begun to show off their bright rays and twinkling bodies.

Donghyuck stood in the middle of the familiar sea of white pebbles, their round features seeming to almost welcome him back kindly, yet he didn't feel very welcomed as bad memories flashed before his eyes and the feeling of small needles pricking at his heart nudged him in the chest. 

Then again, it was refreshing.

After all, it had been months since he had stepped foot back into the Palace of Sky and Heaven.

He stood silently, at the bottom of a set of stairs. In front of him was a familiar building, a familiar room. One which he visited quite often almost a year ago.


To think so much had happened within a year.

It didn't even feel real.

The room at the top of the stairs was lit softly with the flickering of candlelight from the inside. It was just past dinner, the occupants couldn't have been asleep yet, but still, Donghyuck felt as if his feet were glued to the floor below him, refusing to be lifted off the ground for even half a centimeter.

"Young Master," the servant beside him spoke in a low whisper, almost quietly encouraging him to go up to the door and knock.

"I can't."

"We don't have to stay long. Just a few minutes."

"..." Donghyuck remained standing in place, chewing on his lip.

Guhyung didn't want to force his young master, so he didn't say much else, only simply adding, "we can come again a different day, Young Master."

Even with that option, he still didn't move. Whether it was because he was truly stuck in place or because something was telling him to stay, only Donghyuck knew. For a few moments, the servant and prince pair stood quietly, gazing up at the lit room.

Donghyuck didn't want to leave, and even if he wanted to, it seemed his body was forcing him to stay and go through with what he came here to do. He had waited months for this moment. Months of pain and hurt to get to this point. This point where Minhyung would finally and truthfully answer every question he had. Donghyuck would finally get the answers he'd been waiting for.

"Young Master, we-" Before Guhyung could finish, his prince forced himself to take a step forward, giving him all the momentum he needed to go up the stairs and right to the door where he raised a hand and knocked on the wooden frame three times.

"Geunseo, answer the door."

Donghyuck's hand froze at the sound of that familiar voice. He almost wanted to turn around and leave, never to look back ever again.

"Yes, Your Excellency."

It wasn't long until the door in front of Donghyuck opened, and he met face to face with the familiar servant. Geunseo immediately froze when he made eye contact with the prince in front of him, mouth slightly agape yet unable to produce any sort of sound or words.

"Who is it?"


"Geunseo?" There was movement inside.

Donghyuck remained where he was, his heart palpitating violently as he watched a familiar person come into view. He looked better than those days in the dungeon, and the color on his face was returning slowly, but there was still the sign of lack of sleep on his face.

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