
334 28 19

Updated: January 17, 2022

"Lady, we arrived at Kang. Do you want to go on a stroll for a bit or would you like to visit His Excellency right away?" The female servant has pushed aside the curtain to speak to the noble young lady sitting inside the carriage.

In almost an annoyed tone, Jingling flicked her handkerchief at Mali, "obviously to Da Ge first. I have some things to speak to him about. Strolling and shopping can wait. It's not like I have to go back to Huang immediately." She rolled her eyes, gazing back outside.

The servant nodded embarrassingly, "ah, yes, of course." Mali turned back to the driver and told him where to go.

Seeing the people, buildings, and streets outside, Jingling couldn't help but feel a little bit nostalgic. She hasn't been in Kang for a few months now, and yet, it felt like it's been years. She remembered coming here almost a year ago to meet the wonderful Future Prince Consort, Li Yimu.

Actually, no, she didn't come to meet him because she wanted to. In fact, she had originally come to meet his future wife, current fiancée, Kang Jiheo, but accidentally ran into him. Smiling, she remembered their first interaction, where the first thing the future prince consort said to her was very insulting to a young lady like her, who was in her prime days of beauty.

Jingling remembered how he, after a long argument with her, suggested helping her improve herself. She, of course, being the naive little girl she was, refused, believing wholeheartedly that she was the most beautiful girl in the world. It wasn't until a few days later, where she finally realized how whenever she walked the streets of Kang, people would gaze strangely at her and hide their children. That was the same day where she went to the Lord for help. She had begged him to help even while he said he wouldn't after her stubbornness from the other day until she said she would do anything for him.

Eventually, a deal was made between the two of them. Jingling would do whatever the Lord said as long as she would be trained to be beautiful, and then, later, gain the affection from the love of her life.

At first, she was patient, willing to endure all of the insults and pain from the training to do well. She endured the small beatings whenever she wrote a character wrong or sat weirdly and endured the mean words from when she did her makeup wrong. She endured it all for the promising moment Yimu promised her. And, she made it through the tough six months, leading up to the beautiful young lady she was now.

But, after these couple of months in Huang, Jingling was getting more and more impatient with the lord. He promised her the love of her life in a year, but it's been longer than that, and she's had to endure the hatred for that stupid prince by her love's side as well as watching, painfully, as Chenle got closer and fall further and further for that stupid prince. And, she's had enough of it. She didn't want to wait anymore. Yimu was acting too slow for her comfort.

"Lady, we've arrived at Kang's Imperial City."

The curtain in front of her opened up, and Jingling stood up carefully, sliding over to the open curtain, sticking her hand out for her servant to grab, and stepping out onto the floor.

When the noble and servant pair walked up to the front gate, guards stopped them with their drawn swords. "Who are you and what are your intentions?"

Just as Mali was about to speak, Jingling stepped forward with a nonchalant look on her face. "Zhong Jingling, looking for Lord Li Yimu."

They threatened her with their swords. "His Excellency isn't someone you can just meet!"

Mali stepped forward, anger prominent in her shorter stature. "How dare you not recognize our Young Mistress? Lady Jingling is-"

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