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Updated: November 27, 2019
Edited: August 24, 2021

"Welcome, families from nearby empires!" Emperor Xinyue stood from his seat and everyone followed him. "Thank you for taking your precious time to travel here to celebrate with us!" He picked up the small cup filled with liquor and held it up in the air. The guests did the same, and once Xinyue took the shot, everyone followed. "Please enjoy your time here." He put the cup down, clearing his throat and straightening his clothing. "Now... Crown Prince Huang Renjun, son of Emperor Huang Xinyue and Empress Chen Shufen, has finally come to the time of his life where he leaves behind his childhood into adulthood. Eighteen years flew by in an instant. The Empress and I cannot believe it has already been that long since he was only an infant. Proud as parents, and proud as rulers..." The Emperor trailed on a little longer.

Renjun sat as still as a still pond of water. He felt like it too. With one single tap, he would start running for the doors.

"Renjun," Shufen said softly to her son.

"Yes?" Renjun was startled, looking back to meet his mother's gaze.

"In the middle of the room, please."

Following his mother's command, Renjun stood up carefully, not wanting to tip over, and shuffled to the middle of the room. He kneeled down and faced his parents.

The gifting ceremony. The part of the entire event that Renjun was dreading the most. Every gift that would be given should help the prince with the first step into adulthood, and it included everything from silks to weapons. Individual gifts would be presented to him from each and every person in the room, followed by family gifts, and finally, the gift that everyone was expecting to appear would be presented at the end. The prince already knew what it was going to be, everyone did. Something he would rather die than have.

Empress Shufen stood up from her throne and gestured to a servant to walk out. The female servant came with another next to her. She held a tray in her two hands. On top was a cloth-covered object.

"My son, my gift to you."

The empty-handed servant pulled the cloth off revealing a bracelet made of gold with a small carving of two phoenixes, one large and one small. It had a chain that hung from it, attached to a small ring. On the chained ring was a beautiful red gemstone that was edged with small flowers. 

"It's a gold bracelet handmade by yours truly." Shufen smiled warmly.

"Bring it here," Renjun said to the servant.

She did as she was told and stopped about a meter away, not wanting to invade his space any more than she already did.

He quietly admired the piece of jewelry from the small distance in delight. The bracelet was beautiful. Two phoenixes, mother and son. He looked up at his mother, returning her gentle smile with one of his own.

In the corner of his eyes, two male servants began walking out from the side of the room. His mother had sat back down, and his father stood up in place of her. The female servant, who stood in front of the prince, walked around him and set herself behind him. One of the male servants carried a long clothed object, and when it was unwrapped by the other, a blue sheathed sword lay in his hands.

"My son, after all these years of training, I have decided that you deserve a sword of your own. Your mother couldn't disagree. She and I are proud of you, more than you may know," his father smiled proudly down at his son. "Unsheathe it."

His servants unsheathed the sword, revealing a shiny, silver blade. The design of the sword was one that appealed to Renjun's taste. The sheath itself was a dark blue color with gold that wrapped around the entire shaft of the sheath. The top of the sword's sheath was the beginning of the gold carving, a carving of two dragons. One smaller than the other. Their tails wrapped around each other as they swirled and wrapped down the length of the sheath, frozen in a dance. The sword's handle was a beautiful shade of dark blue which also had carvings, carvings of flowers that wrapped around it. The gold itself also seemed to reach towards the blade.

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