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Updated: April 5, 2020
Edited: September 4, 2021

It was morning. Finally. This long nightmare of his would finally end. He would wake up to Xiao Yue sleeping by his legs, and he'd get ready for a new day. It would once again be Renjun's eighteenth birthday where he'd celebrate and not receive any bad presents or any fiancés. He'd return to his studies and weapon training with his father. He'd wake-

His eyes snapped open, as he had felt a soft breeze blowing against his face.

To his despise, Jaemin's face was only centimeters away from his own. Their noses were close to brushing. Renjun remained frozen, unknowing of what he should do. This close proximity was suffocating him. He wouldn't even dare to breathe or move. His eyes were wide, unblinking.

Jaemin hovered over the older prince, his white, blonde hair falling next to his face like a wall, blocking them from outside eyes. His hands were placed just out of Renjun's space, and his knees just outside of Renjun's waist. It looked awkward, but he couldn't help himself from wanting to observe his fiancé's face from up close. Renjun was so alluring to him. Ever since he had that first conversation with the older prince during Chenle's engagement ceremony, he fell in love. Just admiring from afar was barely enough.

Smelling the fear coming from Renjun's body, Xiao Yue came running and barking. When the barking came to a pause, Jaemin felt a stinging sharp pain in his left thigh and heard a ferocious growling.

He yelped in agony, rolling off the bed with a loud thump. Even when Jaemin was away from Renjun, Xiao Yue wouldn't let go. She bit as hard as she could into the prince's lower thigh, refusing to release. She wasn't just going to let him attack her partner again.

"What in the world is going on here?" Jeno's voice could be heard from just outside the room. He peeked his head inside to see Jaemin rolling on the floor with a dog's jaw latched around his thigh. He didn't have time to react and just ran to Jaemin's side, petting the wolf-dog's head, calming her down. The animal gladly let go, happy to be praised.

Jaemin finally let a breath of relief escape from his mouth. He sat up, gripping his hands around his thigh, inspecting the injury. There were four large piercings from her large canines and much smaller piercings from her incisors and carnassials. Just looking at them made him cringe. Each individual hole was leaking blood, staining the white robes he had changed into not long ago.

On the wood bed, Renjun was frozen in place, trying to process the situation. He suddenly started breathing heavily as if he wasn't going to ever breathe again. He curled himself into a ball, back facing his bed's edge. His heartbeat sped up, pounding and roaring in his ears. Beads of sweat began forming in puddles on the surface of his skin. There was barely anything covering his body, not a blanket nor thick, heavy clothing, yet he felt so trapped, trapped in his own body. The injury on his head was forgotten in a flash.

The sound of loud, heavy breathing from the bed had Jeno alerted. He glanced quickly at Jaemin, making sure he would be fine on his own before he put his attention on the prince, who lay on the bed.

"Injoon-hyung? Are you okay?" He began reaching for the Chinese's shoulder to turn him around but pulled back once he saw the older tense up at the sound of his voice.

"N-no! Get a-away from me!" Renjun squeezed his eyes shut tightly and hugged his legs closer to his chest. "Xiao Yue, where are you? I'm scared." His voice quivered with every word. He felt like he was back there in that position ten years ago—trapped, scared, and alone.

The wolf-dog leaped onto the prince's bed upon being called. She squeezed herself between the prince and the wall, making herself known to Renjun. She gently nuzzled his face, who reacted with a hand reaching up to her head. She finally settled her head on his neck, and Renjun rested his arm around her neck, slowly relaxing to the comforting hug from the large animal.

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