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Eighty One
Updated: December 12, 2022

Shotaro stared blankly at the younger man. "What are you talking about?" He knew what the younger was saying, but he didn't want to admit it. The look on Sungchan's face already told him everything about what he needed to know.

However, for the few years he's known Yimu, he's only ever looked up to him. The lord, although acts like he owns everything, was the kindest person he's met. The man took him in. He had picked him up from the side of his brother's mutilated body and promised to help get his revenge. Yimu had fed him and gave him a home. Shotaro was taken care of like a friend, like a blood-related younger brother, so he didn't understand. He couldn't see how this man was as evil as that. He couldn't see this person committing such a humiliating crime like sexually assault

Sungchan looked at him with worried eyes. "The Huang Crown Prince-"

The Japanese pushed him away at the mention of the crown prince in anger. "Why are you still talking about him? He-"

"Yimu was the one who assaulted him."

"..." Shotaro paused. His mind went blank.

He didn't understand. Yimu said he hated the crown prince and said that he absolutely hated that spoiled brat. He said that he lost everything because of Huang Renjun, from his social status as a young lord to his home. Everything that belonged to the Li family was no longer what it used to be. His house was burned down, his father was executed, and everything that the Li family had done for Huang were erased from the records. It was as if Li Yimu's entire family ceased to exist within the span of a month.

To seek and carry through with his revenge, Yimu even married into an empire. He even created a group that shared a similar rage towards the crown prince in order to take down the entirety of the Huang empire.

So, how? If Yimu hated the crown prince to the deepest pits of his heart, how would he commit debauchery with his mortal enemy?

Shotaro's eyes suddenly widened.

The crown prince he helped capture... The one that was currently being held captive... was he not just being held captive? What horrors-

"There! There! Something was happening there!"

The voices alarmed the two people in the alley.

The sound of heavy armor neared the small opening between the two buildings.

Guards were here!

The Japanese looked wide-eyed at the Korean. "You... you really-"

Seeing the betrayal in Shotaro's eyes, it only took Sungchan a moment to understand. "W-what? No! Hyung! It wasn't-" He reached out to try to hold him.

Shotaro slid away. "You- you distracted me... You... you trapped me here for the guards?

"No, I- I wouldn't-"

"Y-you- you really are here to capture me!"

"No- I-"

"Y-you liar!" Then, without waiting for a response or explanation, the Japanese ran out of the alley, gripping the edge of his mask tightly against his face.

However, it was already too late. By the time Shotaro ran out, the guards were already on his tail. No, it wasn't just the ordinary city guards, it was the guards that donned the uniform of the Imperial City, and it wasn't just a few of them. At least ten of them chased after him, yelling and shouting at him to stop running.

Shit! Shotaro didn't realize how close they were. That bastard really did trap him. If he had stayed in that alley for any longer, he wouldn't have been able to have anywhere to run.

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