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Updated: October 12, 2020
Edited: September 7, 2021

"You came," grinned the lord sitting at the table. "Come, sit with me, I'm sure you have quite a lot to tell me, Sunghyun."

The eunuch didn't dare move from where he stood, head lowered as if he was guilty.

"I don't dare, my Lord."

"Ah," Yimu sighed, leaning back against the wall, "good to know you know your place, but please, come sit with me. I want to hear what you have to say." The lord's eyes were as sharp as daggers, staring dangerously at the eunuch as he took a sip of warm Oolong tea.

"As you wish, my Lord." Sunghyun sat down cautiously beside Yimu, barely even taking up any space on the chair.

"Now, tell me. I would be interested to know what's happening."

"Unfortunately, Minhyung didn't report much to me. It doesn't seem much has changed since the last time, but, a few days ago, Injoon was engaged to Jeno of Lee and Jaemin of Na." Compared to when he spoke to Minhyung, Sunghyun was speaking with less confidence and more caution in front of Yimu.

The lord scoffed with annoyance, and the eunuch flinched, which luckily wasn't noticed. "Of course, his parents get him some pretty boy fiancés on his eighteenth birthday, but not a wonderful lord like myself. Tsk. Typical."

"My Lord, we still have time. The marriage is in two years."

"Two years, huh? It seems they like to stick to tradition." Yimu took another sip of his tea. He chuckled softly, a smirk crawling onto his features.

Noticing this, Sunghyun questioned, "does My Lord have a plan?"

"I do, and it's just perfect."

"Mind if I ask you what it may be?"

Yimu denied the eunuch with the shake of his head.

"Men!" The lord called for his servants.

Almost immediately, two came running in.

"Yes, my Lord?" one of them said, bowing respectfully.

"Bring me Princess Kang. I would like to speak with her."

"Yes." The two servants bowed again and left with small steps.

"Your Excellency, I shall take my leave if there are no orders left for me." Sunghyun stood up, bowing. He didn't want to be listening to whatever the princess would say to the lord because whatever it was, it probably wouldn't be very appropriate for a second set of ears to hear.

"The letter I told you to send the last time. Don't deliver it to him yet. I would like to wait a little longer."

"Yes, of course." The eunuch bowed his head lower and shuffled his way to the door.

"Yimu!" sang a high-pitched voice from the outside of the room.

The door swung open, just barely avoiding Sunghyun, who was just about to leave. He stepped back to the side and a woman leaped in, a bright smile on her face.

"I heard you wanted to talk to me!" she chirped, running straight to the lord's feet. She hugged his legs, hands on his knees.

The eunuch quickly left, closing the door behind him.

"Yes, Jiheo, I did. I want to ask something from you," Yimu began, his voice soft and sweet.

The woman smiled brightly, and her eyes shown. The lord thought he could see bright hearts shining in her eyes. "Ah, yes, anything for you," she hummed.

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