
456 29 36

Updated: June 14, 2021
Edited: November 23, 2021

Groaning, he rolled to his side, facing the wall. He gripped the covers and pulled them over his head. Everything hurt, everything was uncomfortable. He just really wanted to go back to sleep. Why did he have to wake up? What time was it? He didn't even want to get out of bed to check. With his eyes closed, he began to feel sleep hovering over him again, but there was a knock at his door.

He groaned. Who the fuck was at his door? "Who is it?" He asked, a hint of annoyance in his hoarse-sounding voice. With a bit of struggle, he heaved himself up. "What do you want?"

"It's Jeno and Jaemin," responded the person outside.

Renjun glared at the wall in front of him and rubbed his face. "What do you want?" he repeated.

"Can we come in?" Jaemin asked.

Renjun sighed. He was already awake now, and he even responded. He had to let them in now. "Fine."

The doors opened and the two princes walked in. Jaemin carried a tray with a teapot sitting atop. There was steam seeping through its spout. "We brought some ginger and peppermint tea for you, Injoon," Jaemin said, putting the tray down on the table.


Jeno sat down by the table, looking in Renjun's direction. "How are you feeling?"

"Dead. Did I drink last night?" Renjun asked in return. Wincing as he slipped his legs off the bed and put on his shoes.

"Yeah. You drank quite a lot too."

"I did?" He looked up at them. "How much? I don't remember anything." A little unstable, Renjun held onto the bed frame and then the edge of the table, sitting across from Jeno. He rubbed his temples and poured himself some of the hangover tea they brought over.

"At least two bottles of Baijiu and a few cups of Plum Flower wine."

Renjun choked on the tea, spitting it out onto the floor. He also slammed the teacup on the table, scaring the two younger princes. "WHAT? T-two bottles of Baijiu?" He slapped his face in disappointment.

Two. Bottles. Of. Baijiu.

The last time he remembered, he only ordered himself one bottle. One, no, half, no, not even half a bottle should've gotten him drunk. Did he really order another? Was he trying to kill himself?

Little did Renjun know, the previous times he's gotten drunk, his drunk self has ordered and drank at least five bottles of Baijiu at once, but no one's told him. No one has ever dared to tell him.

"You almost had a third," Jaemin added, "but we were able to stop you."

"Third?" Renjun only stared at the two of them in disbelief. Three... He really was fucking crazy. "I-" His head began throbbing again.

Jeno poured more tea into Renjun's cup, sliding it back to him. "You should probably drink some of this tea."

"Thanks." He picked up the cup and drank from it. "Did I really drink that much liquor?" Renjun still couldn't believe it.

"You did."


How has he not died or at least fainted? Even Renjun knew he was lightweight! Two cups of the weakest liquor can get him drunk. If he drank more than that, shouldn't he have already fainted?

He shook his head. Nevermind. He was alive was all that mattered, but he probably still should do something about controlling his alcohol intake while drunk.

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