
349 24 25

Forty Three
Updated: September 20, 2021
Edited: December 29, 2021

A light strained his eyes open, and it took a moment for Yongqin to adjust to the sudden light in the dark, gloomy dungeon. For the past week and a half, he's been down here in the dark, cold cell, hung and chained to the walls by his hands and feet.

"Wake up!" The guard demanded, splashing water onto Yongqin's sleepy face. "The Commander is letting you go."

A hand on the guard's shoulder stopped him from stepping anymore over the line. "He's had enough. Just release him." Commander Gao looked over the guard's shoulder at the chained man.

"Yes, Sir." The guard quickly went to work, grabbing the set of keys attached to his belt and unlocking Yongqin's chains.

Yongqin and the commander said no words to each other during this process, only staring at each other in somewhat of a silent conversation.

When Yongqin was out of his restraints, he rubbed his wrists, which had dark rings wrapping around them. The bruises weren't the only injuries he suffered this week and a half. He had a few whip marks across his chest and a few scratches on his face, all of them bleeding or scabbing.

"You really-"

The commander put a finger to his lips, shushing Yongqin. He nodded in the direction of the ex-prime minister two cells away.

Yongqin nodded in understanding.

"Just because you are released doesn't mean you are free," the commander huffed, taking out a set of cuffs and restraining Yongqin's hands together. "Your relation with Lee Yimu is still under investigation, and until you are proven to be innocent, you will not be off the hook."

"I- I- I already told you that I'm only his cousin. I-" Yongqin was shoved forward out of his stone cell. "-I have no idea what he's planning."

Gao Shun was just behind him as the two of them and the guard from earlier went down the dimly lit hallway. "But, we still don't know if you are telling the truth or if you are lying to us."


"For now, you are released but know that there will be people investigating and watching every one of your steps. One move you make that shows you have a relation to Lee, you will be arrested again. If you really are innocent, then you should be fine for the next month. Understood?"

"Yes, but-"

"Enough talk, keep going."

Yongqin sighed, lowering his head as they continued to walk down the hall. When they finally stepped outside of the dungeon, Yongqin noticed the sky was dark, maybe around ten in the evening. In the dungeon, it was impossible to tell what time of day it was.

The moment the stone doors closed behind them, Yongqin snapped his head up at the commander with a glare, who dropped to his knees. The guard that was with them did the same.

"Your Excellency, I sincerely apologize for everything I've done and said to you."

Yongqin huffed, shoving his cuffed hands in Gao Shun's face, telling him to unlock them.

The commander fumbled into his clothing and took out a set of keys, unlocked the cuffs, and put them away. He then took out a small white porcelain bottle, plugged with a silk handkerchief. "I had sent someone to visit the Imperial Doctor for some medicine for you. Here. The doctor said to apply it to your wounds once in the morning and once in the evening."

After wiping off the water from his face, Yongqin snatched the bottle of medicine from the commander, putting it away. "At least you have some sense."

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