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Twenty One
Updated: January 4, 2021
Edited: February 28, 2022

Author's Note
Before you begin reading, please be warned that this chapter has depicted rape and sexual harassment. Please, if you don't want to read these things, please skip the italicized part. After that, things should be okay. (I have written a short summary of what happened at the end.)

Huang Renjun stared blankly at his interlocked fingers on the table, his thumbs rubbing against each other. His body shivered even though it was nowhere near cold. He stabbed one of his thumbs into his hand as his heartbeat and breathing quickened drastically.


The oldest's gaze snapped up at his two fiancés. Who's voice spoke? Renjun didn't know and couldn't tell. He only heard his name called and responded to it.

Jeno and Jaemin stared at Renjun, their eyes glistening with worry and their brows furrowing downward.

"What did you want to say?" Once again, Renjun couldn't determine who spoke by their voice, but Jeno's mouth moved when the words drifted into Renjun's ears.

Huang Renjun cleared his throat, his gaze shifting to the floor as he stood up. "I-I need tea," he said softly, voice cracking a little.

Jaemin stood up suddenly, causing the older crown prince to flinch slightly at the quick movement. "Sorry, Hyung." There was a small pause before he said what he wanted to say, "let me get you the tea, Hyung. Sit down."

"A-ah, okay." The Chinese sat down obediently, glad he wasn't getting the tea himself. He probably won't be able to walk straight. "Go to my medicine cabinet. In th-the first column, t-take out the herbs from the s-second drawer down and the fourth drawer d-down."

Following the instructions that were given to him by Renjun, the youngest of the three walked over to the tall cabinet, taking the passionflower and the chamomile into the palm of his hand. He then returned to the table, reaching toward the pot sitting in the middle of the table with his slender fingers, and gently lifted up the lip, dropping in the herbs.

"Nana, I can get the water. You sit down," Jeno interrupted, taking the herb-filled pot up before Jaemin could.

"Jeno, I can-"

"Just sit. It's okay." Jeno smiled softly at Jaemin, who obliged and sat down. The older then stood up and left the room, leaving the other two to stare blankly at each other. Well actually, one of them stared at the other, who stared at the table awkwardly.

After some time, the blonde-haired prince returned with a pot filled with steaming hot tea. He gently put the pot down in the middle of the table, careful not to send the hot fluid flying out of the spout. Jeno flipped over three upside-down teacups and carefully poured some tea into each before he sat down beside Jaemin.

"Th-thank you," Renjun said, sliding one of the cups over to himself. He brought it to his lip, blew gently on the surface of the tea, and took a small sip. Putting the cup down on the table, his eyes shifted to his two fiancés, who stared back at him, eyebrows furrowed.

Jeno and Jaemin didn't say a word, only observed the oldest in silence, waiting for him to start.

After a few more sips of tea, Huang Renjun sighed, cracking a slight smile as he began, "I didn't want to marry," he began, "I didn't want another fiancé, and Hell, I didn't want two."

"Injoon, we-"

"Don't... apologize, Jeno. It's not going to change the fact that my father arranged this without me knowing."

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