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Eighty Eight
Updated: July 26, 2023

The Hall of Forbidden Light in Kang's Imperial City had been bustling with meeting after meeting ever since the Na and Lee crown princes stationed themselves just outside. Day after day, Kang was concerned with the threat, constantly knocking their brains with when and how they would be attacked. And, being the one currently involved with dealing with the concerns of the Kang people, Yimu's mood was extremely fragile on most days of the week. The ministers of Kang were walking on eggshells when bringing up issues. No one wanted to be the one who lights Yimu's fuse.

However, the moment a dungeon guard came running into the hall, all of the ministers immediately went silent, bracing themselves for the rage and anger.

"Your Highness! Your Highness!"

Yimu, who was pacing around the throne with a bamboo scroll in one hand and a brush in the other, stopped, gazing threateningly at the guard below him. "What is it?" His tone was snappy, clearly not in the mood for a silly little-

"Lee Minhyung has escaped!"

However silent the room was the moment the guard ran in, it was now at least a hundred times more quiet. A pin could drop and the sound could echo loudly throughout the room.

The guard felt the tension and immediately regretted everything.

"WHAT?!" The prince consort's voice roared through the silent hall, ringing in the ears of everyone present. He seethed, "what did you just say?"

The guard lowered his head into a low kowtow. "This lowly one was incompetent! He deserves to die!"

The bamboo scroll that was in Yimu's hand had flown and knocked the guard on the head. "ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!"

"Lee- Lee Minhyung- has- has escaped..." The guard had answered in barely a mumble.


"Lee Minhyung has escaped from the dungeon, Your- Your Highness!" He banged his head against the ground. "This lowly one deserves death for his incompetence!"

"Escaped...?" The look of shock flashed for a brief moment on Yimu's face before it had quickly morphed into anger as he shoved everything on his desk onto the floor. "ESCAPED??"

The rest of the room remained silent, afraid that if a noise was made, Yimu would kill someone.

A laugh escaped Yimu's mouth, his eyes staring crazed at the guard kowtowing below him as he processed everything he just heard. "Minhyung escaped so easily?!" There was an eeriness to the tone of his voice. "What kind of useless dungeon guards are you? To have let him run away from me like this?"

The guard lifted his head off the ground and banged it three consecutive times, a hint of blood trailing down his forehead. "Your Highness, I deserve death! I deserve death!"

"Do you... know what you've done?" Yimu's eyes were bloodshot with rage. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!?!?"

The guard wanted to hide. He wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it.

"He's... escaped..."

At the same time, another guard ran up to the eunuch behind Yimu and whispered a few short words to him. Immediately, the eunuch's eyes shot open in fear as he gazed over at the prince consort.

Noticing his gaze, Yimu turned his head. "Tell me," he said to the eunuch, "what happened now."

The eunuch, too, dropped to his knees. "Your Highness!"


Being Yimu's new favored eunuch, he was much more calm than the guard was; however, fear was still instilled within him. It always was since the day he started working under Yimu. "Your Highness mustn't be angry with this one. This one... this one is only reporting to Your Highness."

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