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Ninety Four
Updated: September 21, 2023

Author's Note
Warning for torture and pain. Skip to the second section of this chapter if you are uncomfortable, please be careful. If you are curious to see what happened without all the gore, read the paragraph before the second section, and it will give you most of what you need to know. Again, watch yourself and be careful!

It had been a day. A day since Minhyung watched his fiancé get dragged into the call across from him, and at least thirty six hours since he had slept at all. His mind was no longer at ease. He was more panicked than he had been the moment he had arrived a little less than a week ago.

He sat restlessly at the table in his small cell, hands nervously fiddling with the hem of his sleeve. In the cell across from him, Donghyuck was sleeping on the bed, curled up into an uncomfortable ball. The younger's face was distorted, most likely having a bad dream, and he shivered slightly at the cold dungeon air. Minhyung only watched him silently as he felt the urge to just pull the younger one in a gentle hug, comforting him from the cold and the nightmare.

Geunseo was silent. He had tried to ask Minhyung question after question, only to receive no answer in response. Eventually, he had given up, trusting that his prince had an idea of what he was going to do.

There was the distant sound of keys which was soon followed by at least three sets of footsteps.

At that sound, Minhyung had unconsciously looked up, the worry and anxiety inside of him increasing as the footsteps got louder and louder. Even Donghyuck had begun to stir in his sleep.

"Good morning, Your Highnesses." It was Commander Kwon. The whip he always carried was still attached to his belt, secured tightly. It seemed he was not going to use it that day, hopefully. "I hope you had a good night's rest." He then turned to one of his soldiers. "Open his cell."

When the soldier walked over to Donghyuck's cell, Minhyung's fists tightened until his knuckles turned white, but he didn't say anything, remaining as silent as when the men entered.

Donghyuck, on the other hand, had woken up with a soft jolt, watching sleepily and groggily as the soldiers unlocked his cell and barged in, the commander following them inside. "W-what-" Before he even knew it, he was pulled out of bed and forced onto his knees in front of the commander.

Minhyung lowered his gaze. Reminders of his own torture flashed before him, and his entire body broke out into a cold sweat.

"You know," the commander began, "normally, I would give you a few days, but the crown princes are on a tight schedule, so we have no choice but to start immediately."

That was when Minhyung noticed the contraption that the man was holding behind him. It was a set of wooden rods, strung together by some sort of durable string. He had never once seen this object before, but he had heard of it from soldiers, and to say that he was terrified was an understatement. After all, the stories of this object, he had physically seen the damages.

"S-start immediately?" Donghyuck's voice was raw from sleep, but also raw from crying all night long. It shook terribly and cracked with every word. "W-what? W-why? But, I- I didn't do anything, Commander. I swear I-"

"We'll get the truth out of you soon enough, Prince Donghyuck," was all the commander said before he signaled his soldiers, and they immediately grabbed Donghyuck's hands as they continued to hold him on the ground in the kneeling position, holding them tight enough to prevent Donghyuck from pulling away.

"W-wait! Wait! Please!" Of course, Donghyuck struggled against the soldiers despite his strength being nearly ten times weaker. "Please! Wait! No! I- I- I didn't do anything! I don't know anything about-"

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