
247 19 8

Eighty Four
Updated: January 9, 2023

Author's Note
Warning for fat shaming, degradation, and sexual comments towards the end of this first part.

It was winter. It's been winter.

That's the only thing that Renjun knew about the outside world. He's been stuck down here for so long, he had stopped counting the days and had stopped keeping track of time. Whether it was day or night, he was blind to it all. His skin had turned nearly deathly pale, and the only light he was exposed to was the small candles scattered around this faux room emitting barely even a flicker of light at times.

He lay flat on his bed, eyes dim with fatigue.

He hadn't slept in who knows how long. Days maybe. Weeks? He didn't know. Everything felt like a blur, time was a blur. He was constantly stuck down here with no entertainment, nothing, but whatever.

Lifting his hand up, he watched as it shook, as his boney fingers trembled. No, it wasn't just his hands that trembled, it was his entire body. He shivered, but he wasn't cold. It was much too humid for it to be cold.

Rather, everything was hurting. He was hurting. His body, his head, his skin, his lower abdomen, everything.

Yimu had come twice a day recently for three weeks in a row to relieve his stress and anger.


Renjun was exhausted. Tired. Scared. Overstimulated with anxiety and that uncomfortable feeling of scratching on his skin. He was done with everything. Done being tortured, but really, what could he do? He could only accept it. It was his fate now, wasn't it? To be stuck as a sex slave, a toy for that damned spawn of Hell.

His fiancés weren't coming.

They weren't coming.



None of them.

No matter how much he begged them, how much he ripped his throat open for them, they wouldn't come.

He dropped his shaking hand, feeling pain crawl up from the depths of his stomach, but he didn't cry. Tears stopped falling days and days ago. Despite all the pain, all the torture, he couldn't cry. He couldn't shed a tear. He had shed them all dry.

How awful, isn't it?

To be fucked like an animal until you can't even shed a single liquid out of your eyes.

He hated it.

Renjun hated it.

He hated it.

He hated it.

He hated it.


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