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Updated: September 25, 2020
Edited: September 6, 2021

"This is Donghyuck's palace?" The seventeen-year-old asked the other.

"Yeah. Minhyung should be in there too."

Jeno laughed.


"Why would Minhyung not be with his fiancé?"

Jaemin nudged Jeno in the arm and said playfully, "but what if Minhyung is off planning schemes with some unknown people? I mean, who would know?"

Jeno scoffed, "yeah, right. Hyung's not that kind of person. If he did, he'd ruin our family's reputation, then people would think our whole family is two-faced."

"But, maybe-"

"Nana, please stop with the maybes," the older complained, halting Jaemin's theories and walking a few steps ahead of him. "Let's just quickly find Donghyuck and leave."

"Fine," Jaemin frowned, catching up to the older.

Ahead of them was the Palace of Sky and Heaven, the residence of Prince Lee Minhyung and Prince Lee Donghyuck. The servants that served the two of them, waited at the entrance as the two crown princes stepped inside. Jeno, upon entering, stood still, admiring the amount of white scattering the entire area. Jaemin continued walking, but once he realized that Jeno wasn't beside him, he turned around.

"Jeno-yah," he called, snapping Jeno out of his trance.

"Oh, right." The older prince quickly caught up with Jaemin.

The doors to Donghyuck's room opened up and Minhyung walked out with a yawn. The older prince was fixing his clothing when he noticed the two crown princes. "Jeno. Jaemin," he greeted the two, stepping down the stairs and walking up to the two of them and bowing.

The younger princes bowed back in respect.

"Hyung, where is Hyuckie?" Jaemin asked.

"He's sleeping right now."

Jeno glanced at Jaemin, confused before glancing back at Minhyung.

"Why's he still sleeping? It's nearly noon."

Minhyung furrowed his brows at the two. "Did Injoon not tell you?"

"Tell us what?" Asked the youngest.

"Hyuck fractured his tibia last night."

Jaemin blinked at that. "What? How?"

"He kicked the table leg."

"Why?" The crown prince never seemed to stop with his questions. His fists were clenched, his nails digging into his palms, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were round, slightly wet with liquid. Jaemin knew Donghyuck was a reckless prince, but he wasn't reckless enough to break or even fracture a bone.

"Jaemin," Jeno put his arm around the younger prince, soothingly rubbing his shoulder. "Calm down. It was only a fracture. He didn't break a bone."

Minhyung nodded at Jeno's statement, agreeing, a smile forming on his face. "Hyuck is fine. Injoon said his fracture should heal within a few months."

Jaemin nodded, relaxing in Jeno's hold, though still a bit concerned.

The oldest crown prince glanced back up at Minhyung, his arm still around Jaemin. "Can we go in and talk to Hyuck? We need to ask him about something."

The prince looked back at the room. "It probably isn't the best to wake him up from his sleep." He thought for a moment before looking back at the couple in front of him. "How about you two wait until he wakes up? It shouldn't be very long."

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