
580 28 16

Updated: December 14, 2020
Edited: September 6, 2021

"Hyung! Hyung! Save me!" Jisung ran into the palace of Longlife Purity screaming and stumbling on his way. He had a bleeding lip and had a few light red marks around his neck and face. Seeing no one in the courtyard, the young prince ran into his brother's room without knocking. As soon as he stepped his foot inside, he regretted it immediately.

Two princes had their faces just millimeters away from each other. Their breaths blew on each other's lips. When the door opened suddenly, they pulled away from each other, clearing their throats and avoiding each other's glances like the plague.

Jisung ran quickly behind his brother, the scene in the room completely forgotten. He tightly gripped Jeno's arms, lowering himself to be hidden by his brother's larger build.

"Jisungie, what's the matter?" Jeno asked, trying to turn around, but Jisung kept him facing the door, whispering,

"Quiet. He's coming to kill me."

"Who-" Before Jeno could even finish his sentence, a loud dolphin screech came from outside in the courtyard.

"PARK JISUNG!! Where are you?!"

The screech was so loud, Jeno swore that it could be heard all the way in the palace of Sky and Heaven.


"Zhong Chenle!" Yelled another voice, which was a lot deeper in pitch than the previous one and was spoken in a different language. "Shut up! Are you trying to wake up the entire city?"

The said Zhong Chenle stopped his rampage suddenly, shrinking in his cousin's presence. "Ge, I'm not-"

"Then, what are you doing?" Renjun walked right up to the orange prince, his eyebrows furrowed, and his pace fast and heavy, but, even so, the crown prince didn't look very angry. He was wearing his sleepwear, not even dressed in his clothes.

"Da Ge, you see, there is this Piao Zhisheng, who decided to scare me while I was drunk," the younger tried to explain, his hand rubbing the nape of his neck awkwardly.

[(A/N) "Piao Zhisheng" is Jisung's Chinese name.]

Huang Renjun sighed, shaking his head. "Xiao Didi, you can yell at him and scold him, but please don't scream until your throat breaks, especially at ten in the morning."

"Ge, I'm sorry. It's just-" before Chenle finished, he noticed movement in the corner of his eye.

Jisung had snuck out from Jeno's room and had begun running already. The orange-haired prince turned away from his cousin, bowing a quick apology and goodbye before chasing after the youngest prince.

"You-" Renjun groaned, flicking his sleeves back and turned around, stomping back toward his room. His younger cousin really angered him, and he wished that the younger wasn't so... childish.

Back in Jeno's room, the two princes, who were about to press their faces together... ahem kiss..., looked away from each other, faces flushed with embarrassment. Looking at each other seemed wrong. They were about to... in front of a sixteen-year-old.

"Oh, Heavens," Jeno mumbled, rubbing his temples as he went to sit down at his desk.

Na Jaemin cleared his throat, looking at his fiancé, face still as red as a red lotus. "W-what were we talking about earlier?" he asked, pretending that their near-kiss was nonexistent and as if someone was watching them.

"Y-you were here for a book of mine," Jeno began, playing along with the younger. He was glad that they didn't do anything, or else, Jisung, being the snitch that he was, would've told everyone in the world about their little kiss. "Here." The older grabbed a random book from the corner of his desk and held it out to Jaemin.

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