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Thirty Five
Updated: July 26, 2021
Edited: December 28, 2021

"Yah! Jeno! Why do you have to know so much?" Renjun scolded, hitting Jeno's shoulder with the hilt of his sheathed sword.

"Ow! What do you mean? Is it not okay to know so much? I'm a Lee, I'm supposed to know a lot about war and fighting," Jeno defended himself, rubbing his shoulder.

"Look at him." Renjun nodded to Jaemin, who was gazing at the oldest with his jaw hanging and eyes unblinking. "He's staring at me with those eyes of his." His voice softened at the last part, turning away from his gaze.

Jeno elbowed the entranced prince, snapping him out of his thoughts. "I told you to not do that earlier," he whispered in a low voice.

"No, you told me not to do anything dirty, and I'm not doing that. I'm admiring him because he just looks so much more prettier than before."

Jeno nudged him again. "Speak correctly, you sound drunk."

"Je-no fun," Jaemin muttered, turning away from him and back to Renjun, who was cleaning the blade of his new and unused sword.

After he cleaned the dirt and fingerprints off the blade, Renjun looked back at his fiancés, still examining for spots he missed. "W-well, since you two are here, and you've brought your swords, want to do a little sparring?" Once he determined it was clean, he sheathed it.

Jaemin was speechless at the question. Should he spar with the older? Or should he not? Seeing that move just now, he didn't know if he'd be able to beat him.

Jeno, on the other hand, stepped up. "I'll spar with you."

Of course, a Lee wouldn't drop the opportunity for a little sparring practice.

Renjun looked at Jaemin. "Spar?"

The wide-eyed look Jaemin interpreted from him had him nodding his head. How could he resist a cute look like that?

Renjun only nodded. "W-who wants to go first?"

Without a word, Jeno raised his hand.

The two of them walked out into the opening, unsheathing their weapons, a clean sound resonating from both. They stood in silence for a moment before Renjun made the first move, stepping forward with his right leg, coiling his body where his sword was by his right ear, and charging forward, aimed for Jeno's chest. Not even half a meter close to the taller, Renjun's sword was blocked and flung over his head. Stunned by the strength in one move, Renjun lost his footing, stumbling back.

"Why don't you use Frost Blossom?" Jeno asked, unfazed.

Without answering the question, Renjun regained his footing and tried again, this time, left foot first with his sword by his waist, aimed for Jeno's leg.

Seeing this, Jeno confirmed Renjun wasn't actually trying to do any kind of sparring. But to his surprise, when he turned his blade to block the attack, Renjun stepped to the right, bringing his sword up diagonally with two hands. Jeno was just barely able to dodge that when Renjun brought the sword around and aimed for his legs next. Luckily, Jeno was quick enough to stab his blade into the ground, stopping Renjun's attack by knocking the sword out of his hands.


When he went to reach for his sword, Jeno had already pulled his blade out of the ground and placed it gently to Renjun's neck, winning the spar within seconds. "Hyung, you have to be sure to hold onto your sword tightly, or-"

With a huff, Renjun pushed Jeno's blade away and picked up his sword, straightening himself. "You don't have to lecture me."

With a smile, Jeno said, "alright. Do you still want to spar?"

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