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Eighty Three
Updated: January 2, 2023

February fifth.

Chenle felt his heart beating violently against his chest and felt his smiling cheeks stinging from the cold wind blasting against them.

"Second Young Master!" Zhusi panted heavily behind the prince, chasing after him. "S-slow! Slow down!"

The prince didn't listen to his servant, in fact, he only continued running. It was Jisung's birthday! How could he just slow down? He had to get back as soon as possible.

"Second Young Master! Please! Please slow down! You're going to trip!"

"Zhusi, I'm not five anymore!"


"I have to hurry or these desserts will get cold in this weather!" In Chenle's hand was a tray of desserts. They weren't just any desserts. They were specific desserts from the West. He had bought the recipes for these desserts and made them himself in the City's Imperial Kitchen. He could've made it in the kitchen in his own residence, but how would it have been a surprise?

"Second Young Master, we could always m-make the desserts again! They-"

"We can't! It took me three hours to perfect these, and some cold weather is not going to ruin it for me!"

With a sigh, Zhusi gave up and focused his attention on trying to catch up with Chenle, who already turned the corner and was bounding into his residence; however, just as Zhusi caught up with Chenle's pace, the prince began to slow down, causing the servant to nearly run into him.

"Why has the Second Young Master-"


The servant closed his mouth. When he looked around, he didn't see anyone nearby, so why-

"Sungie is still in the room, I don't want him to hear me just yet."

Oh, right, birthday surprise and all.

Zhusi nodded and creeped behind the prince quietly as he slowly walked into the courtyard. "Second Young Master, this one has a question," he whispered.

"What is it?"

"Why did you make Western desserts? Wouldn't His Highness prefer Eastern desserts?"

Chenle looked at him with a smile, "Sungie always said he wanted to try something different, but since we can't leave the City to visit the West, I had no choice but to make the desserts myself."

"But, why make it yourself? Why not hire a Western chef?"

"We can't bring in random people, remember?"

Zhusi hit himself in the head. "Right, how could this one forget?"

There were still spies in the City, and they couldn't risk bringing more in.

"Plus, I wanted to do something special for him." Chenle's cold, red face seemed to soften in thought, but whatever that thought was, Zhusi didn't dare to wonder. It was something meaningful to him, and that's all that mattered.

Suddenly, the door to Jingling's room opened, and she stepped out with her servant promptly next to her. A thick, fur cloak wrapped around her shoulders and a fox fur scarf around her neck. When she saw Chenle, her gaze brightened.

Oh, Heavens, Zhusi cursed.

"Lele! Jiejie is sooo happy to see you! Where have you gone this morning? Jiejie was looking for you everywhere! I wanted to take you to watch the fish in the Imperial Garden!" Jingling hopped down the stairs to greet the prince.

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