Chapter 144

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*5 years later*

Maddy was outside chopping wood, her hair was shorter.....dark circles under her eyes, she wiped sweat from her forehead and sighed.

"WATCH OUT MOMMY! THE MONSTER IS COMING!" A small chocolate headed boy yelled running past Maddy.

Maddy turned and looked seeing as to why the boy was running.

"JAMES! DARLING! BE CAREFUL," Maddy yelled after him.

Maddy smiled, seeing how James had quite the imagination.

Suddenly a black Audi pulled up into the drive way....Maddy dusted her hands off and started walking towards the car. Steve, Nat, Tony and Scott climbed out of the car....

"James! Come here!" Maddy called out.

James came running up to Maddy....and stopped, hiding behind her. Quickly growing shy.

"Hey Little man! Come give Uncle Tony a hug," Tony smiled.

James nodded and ran into Tony's him a bear hug.

"What's wrong?" Maddy asked, looking over at Natasha.

"We found a way to bring everyone back!" Scott smiled.

"Let me guess....A time heist?" Maddy asked, crossing her arms.

"Yes! How did you know that?" Scott asked.

"Well after moving out here....with James, I started researching. A lot. But never thought it could actually work," Maddy said.

"The Stones are in the past! We can go back in time and get them," Scott smiled.

"Excuse me? Mommy? Can we have sandwiches?" James asked.

Maddy looked down at him and smiled....she looked up at everyone.

"You guys hungry? I have sandwiches and potato soup," Maddy replied.

"I could eat!" Scott smiled.

Maddy guided them inside....Steve looked around and noticed there was scattered books about time traveling, he looked up at Natasha and sighed.

"Uncle Tony! Come look at my superhero drawing," James said, grabbing onto Tony and pulling him away.

"Maddy?" Steve asked.

"What if we screw up this plan? What if this only make things worse? What if past Thanos figures out what we are doing and comes to Earth....again?" Maddy asked.

"I don't believe we will. If he does then we'll handle it," Steve said.

"I must say...I don't miss that giddy optimism....However, high hopes won't help if there's no logical, tangible way for me to safely execute said time heist. I wanna believe the most likely outcome would be our collective demise," Maddy sighed.

All of a sudden Tony and James walked back to where everyone was.

"Not if we strictly follow the rules of time travel," Scott said.

Maddy walked into the kitchen and started making sandwiches.... with the help of James.

While James sat at the table and quietly ate his food....Maddy, Tony, Steve, Scott and Natasha stood outside.

"So what I'm hearing is... you guys have a back to the future plan?" Maddy asked.

"I said the same thing!" Tony laughed.

"Uh no," Scott frowned.

"Good! Cause that's not how quantum physics works," Maddy said.

" is the time to take a stand," Natasha spoke up.

"We did take a stand! And yet here we are once again," Maddy frowned.

"I know you got a lot on the line. You have a son...but you also lost your husband and I lost someone as well. A lot of people did! And now, now we have a chance to bring them back. To bring everyone back. And you're telling me you won't even help?" Scott asked.

"That's right, Scott.....I have a kid! I never said I wouldn't help. I'll help! Because whether I want to or not, James needs his father...and I don't wanna take that away from him," Maddy snapped, looking over at Steve.

"Mommy!" James yelled.

Maddy pushed past everyone and raced back into the house, with everyone on her tail.

"James, what's wrong?" Maddy asked.

James lifted up a picture of her and Steve....

"Whose this man?" James asked.

"T-That's my brother," Maddy smiled, taking the picture away.

"Where is he?" James asked.

"He is right there," Maddy said, pointing to Steve.

"So he's my Uncle?" James asked.

"Yes. This is your Uncle Steve...and also your Aunt Nat," Maddy replied.

"Can I show room?" James asked.

"Sure," Maddy smiled, watching James drag Nat and Steve away.

"I understand you are scared....We all are," Tony sighed.

"But I'm not wrong," Maddy said.

"Yes. But we need you," Scott replied.

"Okay....I guess I should call a sitter," Maddy sighed.

"Nonsense! Pepper and I will watch James...besides Morgan misses her boyfriend," Tony smirked.

Maddy laughed.

"Don't worry about clothes...we still have some from when he came over last week," Tony said.

Maddy nodded.

Quickly gathering up some toys for James.

"Pepper is on her way to pick us up! You and the rest of the gang....have to meet Banner at a diner," Tony replied.

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