Chapter 159

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Maddy looked around....searching for Bucky, not being able to see him in the crowd. She turned in all directions...soon fear filled over her.

"Maddy?" Steve asked, walking in front of her.

"I-I can't find him.....Where is he?" Maddy asked.

"I'm sure he's around here somewhere," Steve smiled.

"I hope so," Maddy sighed.

Maddy walked away....moving past everyone.

"Hey! Human Shield!" Sam called out.

Maddy rushed towards Sam....throwing her arms around him.

"Pigeon man!" Maddy laughed.

"I don't miss that nickname," Sam frowned.

"Hey! Have you seen Buck?" Maddy asked, pulling away.

"He's actually looking for you," Sam smirked.

"This could take hours," Maddy sighed.

A few moments go by...Maddy suddenly hears the voice of him, his voice caused caused her legs to grow weak. Maddy snapped her head in the direction of where his voice was coming from....she jumped in the air, and over a few heads of people, there he stood.

Maddy pushed through the crowd of heros....and jumped into his grasp.

"Bucky," Maddy smiled.

"Oh baby! I know I've been gone for 5 years....but this time I'm not going anywhere," Bucky sighed, tucking his face into the crook of her neck.

"It wasn't your fault!" Maddy replied.

"I know! But I missed our baby grow up," Bucky sighed.

"James is doing fine! And now he'll do better, with his father by his side," Maddy smiled.

Bucky pulled away.

"James?" Bucky asked.

Maddy nodded.

"When can I meet him?" Bucky asked.

"Soon," Maddy smiled.

"Why not now?" Bucky asked.

"Because we need to clean up," Maddy laughed.

All of a sudden Steve walked up towards them.... pulling Bucky into a tight hug.

"Hey Steve! After we all clean up, we should give Natasha a funeral....the one she deserves," Maddy replied.

"Wait! Natasha died?" Bucky asked.

"Uh-yeah, she sacrificed herself to get the Soul Stone," Steve sighed.

"After the funeral.... we are gonna have to take the stones back to where they belong," Maddy added.

"Right! That'll be fun," Steve laughed.

Tony and Thor quickly appeared next to them...

"Little Rogers! I must say the way you kicked Thanos ass was quite amazing," Thor laughed.

"Good work Maddy," Tony replied.

"Thank you! Couldn't have done it without you guys.... also I was thinking, let's give Natasha a funeral," Maddy said.

"I don't see a problem with that!" Tony said.

"Where is it gonna be at?" Thor asked.

"Near Mine and Tony's house.... by the tree that leans over the lake," Maddy replied.

Everyone nodded.


Maddy stood the mirror..... wearing a short dress, with her hair lightly curled.... she sighed sadly not ready to say goodbye to one of her best friends.

Maddy turned when she heard a gently knock at the door....

"Uh a black SUV just pulled up," Bucky said.

"That's James!" Maddy smiled, pushing past Bucky.

Maddy raced down the porch..... Tony climbed out and opened the door, the small.... chocolate headed boy jumped out, and jumped into his mother's arms.

"MOMMY! I've missed you so much!" James said.

"James, Darling.... I have someone I want you to meet," Maddy replied.

James turned and looked at the tall figure standing on the porch...

"Mommy? Why does that man look nervous?" James asked.

"T-That man.... is your father," Maddy said.

"That man is James Buchanan Barnes.... the man I'm named after, correct?" James asked.

Maddy laughed.

Bucky slowly walked off the porch....

Maddy moved James towards Bucky.

"James. Hi! I'm Bucky.... your dad," Bucky smiled.

Not even in a blink of an eye.... James jumped into Bucky's arms. Quietly crying. Bucky wrapped his arms around James.... kissing his head.

Maddy turned to look Tony.... who looked like he was about to cry. She walked up towards Bucky and James and kissed them both.

"Come on. We gotta get going," Maddy said.

They all three pulled away and walked over to the SUV.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now