Chapter 11

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Maddy leaned up against a brick wall right outside the antique shop... waiting patiently, she felt a hand on her shoulder... she looked up to see who it was, a strange man stood before her.

"I kindly ask for you to take your hand off of me," Maddy asked.

"Maddy Rogers? The first Super Soldier? " The man asked.

"Depends on who's asking..." Maddy snarled.

"I need you to come with me," The man replied grabbing her by the arm.

"Excuse me! How about you bugger off!" Maddy yelled.... grabbing the attention of others.

"You are wanted by someone.... someone very important, Johann Schmidt wants you... and I shall deliver you," The man smiled.

"If you don't remove your hand... I shall do it for you," Maddy growled, she roughly grabbed the man by the arm and began to twist it... he screamed out in pain, and Maddy just smiled.

She quickly stopped when she heard a crunch... but was alerted when she heard gunshots.

Suddenly a man quickly runs out of the Antique shop.... with something in his hand.

"Hey you! Stop right there!" Maddy yelled.

Moments later Peggy comes running out of the shop, her gun in her hand but within a couple of seconds there was a huge explosion....Peggy was on the ground laying in glass....Maddy rushed up towards her and gently picked her up.

"He's got the serum! We need to stop him!" Peggy yelled.

Maddy nodded turning towards the direction of where the man was running.... she noticed he stopped and turned around, pointing a gun towards her direction..... he fired, but she quickly dodged the bullet.

She frowned and quickly took off after the man... who was now in a car... she looked down at her feet and noticed she was running faster, then normal.

"Absolutely incredible," Maddy mumbled. 

Maddy heard someone running up behind her... she threw her head over her shoulder and smiled, Steve was on her tail... and he looked completely different.

He was taller, muscular.... Maddy was a little jealous... but more importantly she was happy, happy for Steve.

"That man killed Dr. Erskine," Steve said.

"No... h-how did," Maddy paused.

"How did he die?" Maddy continued.

"Gunshot...." Steve said.

Maddy turned to look at the car and continued to chase it.... she quickly noticed that she was a little faster then Steve.

Maddy turned a sharp corner but stopped when she heard a loud crash.... she looked behind her and saw that Steve ran into a window, she couldn't help but laugh.

"Not funny...." Steve said jogging up towards Maddy.

"I think it was absolutely hilarious," Maddy smiled.... and took running again.

Both Steve and Maddy race between lanes of traffic.... the man who was currently trying to get away, was swerving all over the place.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now