Maddy stood in front of Natasha, who had her arms across her chest.... looking completely frustrated."When I say block, you block! Understood?!" Natasha growled.
Maddy nodded.
Natasha swung her leg up at Maddy...
"BLOCK!" Natasha yelled.
Without completely thinking, Maddy roughly grabbed Natasha leg... and threw it down.
"Good," Natasha smirked.
Sweat started to form on Maddy's forehead, she was getting tired.... but she wouldn't let it show, she need to stop the Winter soldier... that's all that she cares about.
"Alright! When I say dodge, you dodge!" Natasha said.
Natasha took couple of steps back and looked at Maddy, a huge smirked formed on her face... she quickly rushed towards Maddy, jumping up in the air...
Maddy was now looking at the bottom of Natasha shoes that were coming towards her face.
"DODGE!" Natasha yelled.
Maddy quickly moved her body out of the way.
Natasha's body moved in slow motion, Maddy watched in amazement... Natasha's feet quickly hit the floor, bringing Maddy back in reality.
"Good! Now here comes the fun part, I will attack you.... but you'll have to figure out how to properly attack back," Natasha smirked.
Maddy nodded.
"Actually! Why don't we use this sticks? I think they will help you with hands on combat, since you know the Winter soldier is more advanced at that," Natasha said.
Maddy nodded.
Natasha threw Maddy a pair of combat sticks, Maddy quickly looked at them.... moved them threw her fingers, she quickly looked up and noticed Natasha charging at her.
Color quickly drained from Maddy's face....
Natasha brought the combat sticks up and started to slam the down.
Maddy quickly brought her combat sticks up and blocked Natasha's from hitting her.
Natasha smiled.
They both took a step back quickly taking a breather....
"H-Have you heard from my brother?" Maddy asked.
"Actually! He's moved to Washington D.C.! Apparently Fury has some missions lined up for him, why do you asked?" Natasha replied.
"I haven't spoken to him.... since New York, I feel awful on how we left things," Maddy sighed, remembering how Steve got angry with her, for getting a solo mission.
"He's worried about you that's all, I'll find out where he's staying and maybe you could stop by and talk to him," Natasha smiled.
"Why would he be worried about me? I'm perfectly fine, I don't know if he wants to see me.... he probably hates me," Maddy said.
"You will never know, unless you talk to him," Natasha shrugged.
"That's true, I guess... if you could, please find out where he's staying and I'll stop by and talk to him," Maddy smiled.
"Okay! Now let's get back to work!" Natasha smirked.
Maddy turned around and stood in position, she turned back around and noticed Natasha charging at her.... again.
Natasha quickly wrapped her legs around Maddy's waist... and roughly started punching her, Maddy rushed up to a wall and slammed Natasha up against it.
Natasha released her grip from Maddy and took a step back... moving her hair out of her face.
Maddy realized now was her time to attack Natasha....
She smiled and quickly tackled Natasha to the ground....
Natasha looked completely surprised, but a smile soon formed on her face.
Maddy stood up and offered her hand towards Natasha... Natasha gracefully took it.
As Natasha stood up... she quickly grabbed the combat sticks and knocked Maddy off of her feet.
Maddy groaned as her back hit the ground hard.
"Bloody hell," Maddy laughed, quickly sitting up.
"I think we'll call it a day, you should probably go home and rest," Natasha smiled.
"Ah.... yes home," Maddy sighed.
Maddy jumped to her feet and looked over at Natasha.... they both stared at one another and quickly burst into laughter.
"I'll text you tomorrow!" Maddy smiled before walking out of the room.

His Super Soldier // Bucky Barnes
FanfictionAnd in the end.... all he wanted was his Super Soldier.