Chapter 161

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Bucky and Maddy walked up the porch.... hands intertwined.

"Did James like the idea of going with Steve?" Bucky asked, opening the door.

"Yes. James never knew he had an uncle until recently," Maddy said.

"H-How come?" Bucky asked.

"When James was born....Tony gifted me this house, so I could raise James. And as I was leaving Steve and I had gotten into a huge argument," Maddy sighed.

"What kind of argument?" Bucky asked.

"I wanted him to move in with me... so I wasn't alone, because losing you again did a number on me," Maddy replied.

"I'm sorry," Bucky whispered.

"Don't be! You're here now.... that's all that matters," Maddy smiled.

Bucky walked over to the couch, taking a seat.....Maddy watched him.

"When I dusted or whatever.... it was peaceful, but seeing the look on your face as I faded away..... burned into my skull. As I dusted away, my body or soul formed else was like now but the sky was yellow and water took place as the ground, but it wasn't deep," Bucky said.

"Oh Bucky," Maddy whispered.

"It felt like I was there for an hour or so, then I was back in Wakanda.... and you were no where to be found," Bucky sighed.

"I wanted to stay..... but Steve forced me to come back home," Maddy said.

"I'm glad he did," Bucky smiled.

Maddy walked over to Bucky.... kneeling down in front of him, placing her hands on his face... leaning in for a kiss, she stopped and took in his scent.

Bucky moved his metal hand to the back of Maddy's head.....grabbing a handful of her hair.

She gasped quietly, which caused him to smirk.

Within moments their lips were locked.... Bucky used his free arm and lifted Maddy onto his lap.

Maddy pulled away.

"We don't have to do this, if you don't want too," Maddy whispered.

"Believe me. I really want too," Bucky smirked.

Maddy smiled... and pushed Bucky into the couch, grinding on him.

A loud growl escaped Bucky's lips....

Suddenly Bucky used his metal arm and ripped off Maddy's dress, exposing her naked body.... he pulled her close and started kissing her neck. Maddy threw her head back and moaned.....Bucky quickly pulled away gazing at Maddy. Maddy looked at Bucky and frowned.

"What's wrong?" Maddy asked.

"Your turn to undress me, Doll," Bucky smirked.

"Then stand up," Maddy said.

Maddy climbed off of Bucky, and watched him stand up.... she crawled off the couch and walked up towards Bucky, unzipping his jacket..... and sliding it off. She ran her fingers up and down his chest, she moved her hands up to his shoulders and roughly ripped his shirt off.

Maddy placed her hands on Bucky's belt, pulling him closer.... within a blink of an eye, she moved one of her hands down his pants....

"Already hard I see," Maddy smirked.

Bucky threw his head back and moaned.

"You do realize who you're messing with, right?" Bucky groaned.

"Hmmmm.... James Bucky Barnes? My husband? Or The Winter Soldier? Or maybe the White wolf?" Maddy asked.

"All of the above," Bucky growled.

Maddy unbuckled his pants, sliding them down.... exposing everything.

Bucky grabbed Maddy and walked back towards the couch..... he laid down.

Maddy climbed on top of him....

They both looked at one another..... their eyes were filled with love and lust, both ready to take one another. Again.

Maddy grabbed Bucky's length and placed it at her entrance.... sliding it in.

Both let out very loud moans.

Bucky pulled Maddy closer, holding her.... as if it was the last time. Maddy buried her face in the crook of Bucky's neck.... taking in his scent once more.

Bucky placed his face in the crook of Maddy's neck....kissing it.

Maddy pulled away and looked down at Bucky....

"Your turn Soldier," Maddy smirked.

All of a sudden Bucky was now on top.... placing himself even deeper.

Maddy placed her hands on his back....gripping her fingers into his skin.

They both let out loud moans again.... knowing Tony could probably hear them on the other side of the lake.

A few hours went by.... and they were finally done.

Bucky laid on Maddy's chest.... quietly sleeping.

Maddy softly played with his long hair... a smiled plastered her face, because everything was finally going back to normal. Or was it?

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now