Chapter 88

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She placed one foot in front of the other, as she swung open the door to Steve's room.... her smiling face quickly dropped, Steve had his back towards her... his head was dropped.

Maddy looked closer and noticed his body was shaking... almost as if he was crying.

"Steve? Are you okay?" Maddy questioned... walking closer to his bed.

"Maddy? I-Is that you?" Steve asked, turning around to face her.

"Yeah it's me," Maddy smiled.

Steve jumped off the bed and rushed towards her.... pulling her into a tight hug.

"I thought I lost you..... I thought Bucky had killed you," Steve said.

"N-No he didn't kill me...but after finding out he was alive and not dead, I needed some time... I'm so sorry for not telling you," Maddy sighed.

"You know... I want to scream at you for scaring me, but right now I'm not... because I'm glad you came back, for good, right?" Steve questioned.

"Um well just until The Avengers don't need me anymore," Maddy said.

"You are apart of the Avengers! We need you just as much as you need us," Steve replied.

"I don't want to be apart of The Avengers! I don't feel the part! And not to mention they will always see me as your little sister!" Maddy snapped.

"They do not!" Steve said.

"Little Rogers?" Maddy frowned.

Maddy turned on her heels and started walking out of the room....but was pulled back.

"Don't turn your back on me, Maddy!" Steve ordered.

"Or what? You can't order me around like a little soldier, because if you do.... I will disappear again, and this time I won't come back," Maddy growled, turning to look at Steve.

They both stared at one another....but soon Steve broke eye contact and looked over Maddy's shoulder.

"The Quinjet is ready! Do you want us to suit up now or after this fight?" Natasha frowned, looking at Steve.

"We suit up!" Steve ordered.

Natasha turned and looked at Maddy, she gave her a concern look.... but Maddy just shrugged.

"T-Tony fixed up your suit or I think he made you a new one! He's very proud.... it's laying on you bed," Natasha said... slowly smirking.

Maddy nodded and turned to look at Steve.... she shook her head in disappointment and quickly rushed out of the room.


Maddy opened the door to her new room.... her jaw dropped when she noticed how huge it was..... she walked around looking at everything, but she stopped in her tracks when she noticed a dark navy blue  leather suit folded on the bed, with her old dusty red leather boots and her dusty red gloves....

She picked it up and smiled remembering how her and Steve traveled around America and did shows.... and how she stole the boots and gloves to match her Miss America outfit, that Howard made for her.

Maddy quickly shook off her thoughts and frowned when she noticed it was two pieces.

"You've got to be kidding me! Leather pants?!" Maddy groaned... unfolding the pants.

She ran her fingers against the navy blue top.... feeling a familiar texture, she looked closer and laughed.... Tony had taken bits and pieces of her old suits and made a whole new suit..., everything was different but on the chest of her top revealed a faded star.

Maddy quickly got dressed.... she looked in the mirror and noticed how the two piece suit fit perfectly, she slipped on her red gloves and her boots... and smiled.

"MADDY HURRY UP STEVE SAID IF YOU ARENT FINISH IN 5, we are gonna leave you!" Natasha yelled on the other side of the door.

She sighed and quickly rushed towards the door.... swinging it open.

Natasha looked Maddy up and down and smirked.

"Tony did good!" Natasha said... handing Maddy some more stuff for the suit.

"I love the suit!" Maddy smiled.

"Well the top of your suit is bullet proof.... since you like to be a human shield, Tony thought it'd be better to make the whole top part of the suit completely bullet proof! And I helped design it.... I'm glad you love it," Natasha laughed.

"LITTLE ROGERS! NAT! LETS GO!" Tony yelled out.

"COMING!" Natasha and Maddy said.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now