Chapter 33

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Maddy turns on her heels and races after Red Skull.... quietly.

"MADDY, WE MUST STICK TOGETHER!" Steve yelled out to her.

Maddy wanted to stop and wait for him.... but she knew that if she did, Red Skull would get away.

Running down a corridor.... Maddy catches a quick glimpse of Red Skull, she quickly picks up her feet and runs faster.

Turning a sharp corner, Maddy meets Red Skull's Luger.... an evil smirk appeared on his face and he quickly pulled the trigger, Maddy quickly dodged the bright blue bolt..... seeing it fly past her face, and hitting the wall behind her.

Maddy turned around hearing a pair of footsteps racing up behind her, she frowned when she noticed who it was..... Steve turned the corner and came face to face with Maddy and Red Skull...

Red skull frowned and took off running, once again.

"I had him, Steve..... now he got away," Maddy frowned.

"We'll catch him.... but we have to do it together!" Steve said.

Maddy out here hands up in the air and surrendered....

"Okay, you are right! We are a team.... and if we are gonna get this done, then we must work together!" Maddy smiled.

Steve smiled...

They quickly took off after Red Skull.... once again.

Steve and Maddy race through a door.... and saw Red Skull standing in a doorway, he grinned evilly and pushed a bottom.... the door quickly started to close.

"Steve, throw your shield now! Or we'll never catch him!" Maddy ordered.

Steve nodded... and threw his shield, instantly stopping the door from closing.

"Good call!" Steve said.

Suddenly a huge Hydra flame trooper stomps out of an intersecting corridor.... blocking Steve and Maddy's way.

The Flame Trooper raises his twin guns.... Steve grabs Maddy by the arm and moves her behind him.... he quickly lifted up his arm, only to realize his shield was stuck in the door.

Maddy looks over Steve's shoulder.... but behind The Flame Trooper, she saw a familiar face. Peggy.

Peggy quietly walks behind The Flame Trooper with rifle in hand.... she quickly lifted her gun and shoots the tank on the troopers back, which exploded instantly.

"You're late," Steve smiled.

"Tell me you're not complaining?" Peggy paused.

"Weren't you both about to....?" Peggy continued.

"Right!" Steve grinned.

Steve and Maddy sprint towards the door, sliding below the shield, Maddy turned and grabbed Steve's shield, tossing it to him.... and watching the doors slam in front of her.

"Let's go, Maddy!" Steve ordered.

Maddy nodded and sprinted down the hall... with Steve on her tail. 

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now