Chapter 195

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Maddy stood on the porch and watched as Steve and Bucky played with James.... she was so focused on them that she didn't even notice the water dripping from her legs.

Suddenly the familiar labor pains quickly appeared.

She quickly rushed inside... and headed into the bathroom, turning on the bathtub.

"We don't do hospitals," Maddy mumbled rubbing her stomach.

The water filled up and she got in.... clothes and all.

All of a sudden Bucky appeared in the door way....

"Maddy? What are you doing?" Bucky asked.

"Don't freak out.... but I'm in labor. Now before you start turning in Dad mode, I need you to have Steve go to Tony's and grab some supplies.... and make sure he takes James with him," Maddy said.

"H-How are you so calm about this?" Bucky asked.

"I've done this before.... however I had help," Maddy replied.

Bucky nodded and rushed back outside.

Maddy pulled her pants off and sat in a squatting position.... breathing in and out, slowly.

Moments went by and Bucky appeared.... he kneeled down in front of Maddy.

"What do you need me to do?" Bucky asked.

Maddy looked down and then looked back up at Bucky...

"Hold me," Maddy mumbled.

Without even thinking Bucky took his shirt off... and climbed into the water.

"I wasn't expecting that," Maddy smiled.

"I'm with you till the end of the line," Bucky smirked.

Suddenly a sharp pain flowed through Maddy.... causing her to groan in pain.

Bucky quickly grabbed her hand, trying his best to comfort her.

"I need you to look down and see if she's coming," Maddy mumbled.

"I-I uh okay," Bucky replied.

Bucky lifted Maddy up and looked, seeing something that could be a head.

"I see uh a head? I think," Bucky replied.

"What's taking Steve so long?" Maddy asked.

"I don't know, but just keep doing what you're doing," Bucky said.

After what seemed forever, Maddy pushed a couple of more times and soon gave birth to their daughter....

"Oh my goodness! She's perfect," Bucky smiled, picking her up out of the water.

Bucky cradled her close.

"By the looks of it, she may look like you," Maddy replied.

"I don't think so," Bucky replied.

All of a sudden Steve crashed into the bathroom..... with and arm full of supplies.

"Took you long enough," Maddy laughed.

"I'm sorry! Morgan wanted to show me something and then James wanted to show me their fort..... and then Tony wouldn't help, just kept laughing at me," Steve sighed.

Maddy quickly cleaned up Sarah and handed her to Steve...

"Well I'd like you to meet your niece," Maddy smiled.

"She's so tiny," Steve mumbled.

"Which means.... she's gonna eat a lot," Maddy laughed.

"That sounds familiar," Steve smiled.

"Hey! Food is good," Maddy said.

"Like mother soon to be like daughter," Steve smirked.

Bucky helped Maddy up and cleaned her up.... and placed her into something more comfortable. Sweatpants and a tank top.

They both walked into the living room.... and walked as Steve rocked Sarah back and forth.

"Stop staring! I see you haven't opened my gift, why?" Steve asked.

"Because I literally spent 3 hours giving birth," Maddy frowned.

"Right.... sorry," Steve said.

Maddy looked closer and noticed it Steve dresses Sarah.... putting her in a tie dye sleeper and a white hat with a bow on it.

"I don't remember buying that," Maddy replied.

"You didn't! I did," Steve smiled.

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His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now