It had been one relaxing year....staying off the radar, disappearing from everyone.. trying to help Bucky remember all the things he lost.Maddy was laying on the couch staring up at the ceiling, she rolled over and saw Bucky... who was sleeping peacefully on the bed, which laid out in the middle of the floor... of their tiny apartment.
A sudden buzz caused Maddy to sit up, she pulled out her phone and looked at the caller ID and noticed it was unknown... she rolled off the couch and opened the door to the patio, and walked out on to it.
"Hello?" Maddy asked.
"Little Rogers it's so good to hear your voice!" A familiar voice said.
"Tony?" Maddy smiled.
"The one and only!" Tony replied.
"What's up?!" Maddy asked.
"Well your brother thought you were dead...but I proved him wrong, also we did a facial recognition...... and found out you were still alive and well!" Tony said.
"Steve? How is Steve?" Maddy sighed.
"He's good, he misses you... when we all thought you were dead, we all grieved but I knew you weren't.... so glad you are breathing and not dead somewhere," Tony said.
"What do you need help with?" Maddy questioned... quickly changing the subject.
"HYDRA base in Sokovia! And afterwards I'm throwing a party! Also where are you?" Tony asked.
"HYDRA base? Sounds fun! And I'm in Europe... I needed space after finding out someone I loved was still alive," Maddy sighed.
Tony was quiet.... and quickly the line went dead.
Maddy rushed back into the apartment... and noticed Bucky was now awake, his sleepy face met hers.
"I need to go! But only for a little bit," Maddy said.
"What? Why?" Bucky asked.
"I have a mission! And I don't want my brother to come find me, which he will," Maddy sighed.
Bucky nodded.
"I'll wait for you," Bucky smiled.
Maddy quickly grabbed her passport and some clothes and tossed them in a bag...
She started walking towards the door but stopped... she turned around and pulled Bucky into a tight hug, and rushed out of the door.
Maddy stood outside looking up at the old Stark Tower which was now called the Avengers Tower.... Maddy smiled."Here goes nothing!" Maddy said.
She swung open the heavy glass door and walked in.
A familiar red headed woman stood before her as she walked into the cooled building....
"Maddy?" Natasha smiled.
"Nat!" Maddy smiled quickly running to hug her.
Natasha moved out of the way, Maddy stumbled past her.
"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU! AFTER THE HYDRA THING.... we found Steve laying up on the shore unconscious, and you were no where to be found!" Natasha hissed.
"N-Nat I'm sorry! I just needed space after finding out Bucky was alive," Maddy sighed.
"You scared the hell out of me! Steve grieved for you for a whole year.... he even looked for you," Natasha replied.
"I'm sorry! But when Tony called I rushed over here.... I never intended to hurt you all, I do apologize," Maddy frowned.
Natasha pulled Maddy into a hug.... a very tight hug.
"If you ever disappear again, I'll have to kick your ass," Natasha frowned.
"I can take you.... after all you did teach me some combat moves," Maddy laughed.
Natasha shook her head but smiled.
"Come on! Everyone is waiting," Natasha said.
They both walked towards the elevator, which opened.... they walked in and waited for it to go up.
The elevator quickly started moving up...
"Look, I think this mission will be my last... well with the Avengers," Maddy replied looking at Natasha.
"You can't just stop... trust me, being a super hero you don't ever stop being one," Natasha said.
"What if I do?" Maddy asked.
"Then I'll kick your ass!" Natasha replied.
"I'm just tired... that's all," Maddy sighed.
"OH MY GOD! there's a guy!" Natasha smirked.
"Um no!" Maddy frowned.
The door opened up revealing everyone.
Maddy's eyes met a pair of familiar blue ones.
"THOR!" Maddy yelled running and jumping into his arms.
"Little Rogers!" Thor smiled.
Quickly everyone gathered around.
Maddy pulled away from Thor and looked around.
"Where's Steve?" Maddy asked.
"He's probably in his room.... listening to Cher," Tony laughed.
Maddy shook her head.
"Oh how I've miss you Tony," Maddy smiled.
"Here, I'll show you to his room!" Natasha said.
Maddy and Natasha walked down a long glass hallway.... soon the large windows disappeared and many doors lined up in the hall.
Natasha stopped.... and pointed to a door.
"That's his room, and next to it... is yours," Natasha smiled.
Natasha quickly turned on her heels and walked away.
Maddy walked up to the door and knocked.
"Come in!" A voice on the other side said.
Maddy turned the knob.... and sighed.

His Super Soldier // Bucky Barnes
FanfictionAnd in the end.... all he wanted was his Super Soldier.