Chapter 117

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Maddy, Steve and Sam climb out of the vehicle, they all three watch as Bucky is being carried away by a forklift....Bucky glanced up, and gazed at Maddy...then quickly looked down.

"W-What's gonna happen to him?" Maddy asked.

"Same thing that ought to happen to you. Psychological evaluation and extradition," Ross replied, walking up towards them. 

"And what about our lawyer?" Maddy asked.

"Lawyer! HA! That's funny. See their weapons are placed in lockup. Oh, we'll write you a receipt," Ross smirked.

"I better not look out the window and see anybody flying in that!" Sam snapped.

They all started to walk away....following Ross. Maddy stopped and turned to look at Bucky, who staring at her. She lifted up her cuffed hands and waved to him....she quickly dropped them, wincing at the pain. A guard came up behind Maddy and shoved her....causing her to fall down.

"EASY!" Maddy growled.


"You'll be provided with an office instead of a cell. Now, do me a favor, stay in it?" Ross said, turning to glare at Maddy.

"W-Why are you looking at me?" Maddy asked.

"Because I know you'll find a way to get to Mr. Barnes," Ross replied.

"No," Maddy frowned, knowing deep down he was right.

"I don't intend on going anywhere," T'Challa spoke up.

"For the record, this is what making things worse looks like," Natasha replied, turning to look at Maddy and Steve.

"He's alive." Steve said.

"No. Romania was not Accords-sanctioned. And, Colonel Rhodes is supervising  cleanup," Tony sighed, holding up his hand while finishing his call.

"Try not to break anything while we fix this," Natasha frowned.

"Can't make any promises," Maddy mumbled.

"Consequences? you bet there'll be consequences. Obviously you can quote me on that 'cause I just said it. Anything else? Thank you, sir," Tony replied, still talking on the phone.

"Consequences?" Steve and Maddy both asked.

"Secretary Ross wants you all prosecuted! Had to give him something!" Tony frowned, shoving his phone into his pocket.

"I'm not getting that shield back, am I?" Steve asked.

"Technically, it's the government's property. Wings, too," Natasha sighed.

"That's cold!" Sam groaned.

"Warmer than jail," Tony said.

Maddy snorted....causing everyone to stare at her.

"You think this is funny?" Tony asked.

"Absolutely not!" Maddy replied.

Maddy and Steve sat down at the glass table that stood in the center of the room, Maddy sat on one side while Steve sat on the other.....both watching the camera that showed Bucky.

"Hey, you both wanna see something cool? I pulled something from Dad's archives. Felt timely! FDR signed the Lend-lease bill with these in 1941. Provided support to Allies when they needed it most," Tony smiled, setting a black box on the table.

Maddy stood up and walked closer to examine the box...she sighed when she noticed when it was a box of fancy looking pens.

"Some would say it brought our country closer to war," Steve said.

"See? If not for these, you both wouldn't be here. I'm trying to....what do you call it? That's an olive branch. Is that what you call it?" Tony asked.

"Right....So is Pepper here? I didn't see her," Maddy replied.

"We're ...kinda..uh, not kinda," Tony mumbled.

"Kinda? What? Pregnant? Not together? On a break?" Maddy asked.

"Definitely not! We're taking a break. It's nobody's fault," Tony sighed, sadness filled his eyes.

"Oh Tony," Maddy whispered.

"I'm sorry, Tony. I-We didn't know," Steve sighed.

"A few years ago, I almost lost I trashed all my suits. Then, we had to mop up HYDRA....and then Ultron. My fault. And then....and then.....and then, I never stopped. Because the truth is I don't wanna stop. I don't wanna lose her....I thought maybe the Accords could split the difference. In her defense, I'm a handful. Yet, Dad was a pain in the ass, but he and Mom always made it work....But growing up I could tell he wasn't in love with her, he loved another woman...until the day he died," Tony said.

"You know, I'm glad Howard got married. I-We only knew him when he was young and single," Steve smiled.

"Oh, really? You both knew him? He never mentioned that...maybe only a thousand times. God, I hated you both," Tony replied.

"We don't mean  to make things difficult," Maddy sighed.

"I know, because you both are so very polite people," Tony said.

"If we see a situation pointed south...We can't ignore it. Sometimes I wish we could," Steve replied. 

 "No, you both don't," Tony smiled.

"No, we don't. Sometimes," Maddy laughed.

"Sometimes I wanna punch you in your perfect teeth....And you! I can't punch you, but I can be angry with you. But I don't wanna see you both gone. We need you both, Steve...Maddy. So far, nothing's happened that can't be undone, if you both are willing to sign. We can make the last 24 hours legit. Barnes will get transferred to an American psych center.....instead of a Wakandan prison," Tony replied.

Maddy and Steve frown at the mention of signing the Accords.

"I'm not saying it's impossible, but there would have to be safeguards," Steve said.

"Oh sure! Once we put out the PR fire, those documents can be amended. I'd file a motion to you both and Wanda reinstated," Tony replied.

This quickly grabbed Maddy's attention.

"Wanda? What about Wanda?" Maddy asked.

"She's fine! She's confined to the compound, currently. Vision's keeping her company," Tony sighed.

"OH MY GOD, TONY! Every damn time! Every damn time I think you see things the right way....," Maddy said but was cut off.

"What? It's 100 acres with a lap pool. It's got a screening room. There's worse ways to protect people," Tony snapped.

"P-Protection? Is that how you see this? This is protection? It's internment, Tony," Steve frowned.

"She's not even a US citizen!" Tony replied. 

"Oh, come on, Tony!" Maddy groaned.

"And they don't grant visas to weapons of mass destruction!" Tony yelled.

"She's a kid!" Steve snapped.

"OH GIVE ME A BREAK! I'm doing what has to be stave off something worse," Tony growled.

"You keep telling yourself that" Maddy frowned.

"Hate to break up the set," Steve sighed, gently setting one of the pens on the table.

Maddy scoffed and stomped out of the office....with Steve following behind. 

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now