Maddy walked into a room in full uniform with her M249 in her hands, she noticed Natasha sitting down on the edge of the bed.... thinking."Hey! It's time to go!" Maddy smiled.
"Time for what?" Natasha asked.... standing up, looking confused as ever.
"I'll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?" Maddy asked...looking around the room.
A man walked out of the bathroom..... looking completely defeated, he turned his head and stared at Maddy.
"I can!" He replied.
"Good! May I ask who you are?" Maddy asked.
"Clint Barton," Barton smiled.
"You got a suit?" Maddy questioned.
Barton nodded.
"Then suit up!" Maddy smiled, before stepping out of the room.
Maddy brought her hand up to her ear.
"Steve I found them! And apparently this guy named Barton can fly one of the jets, he also has a suit.... I told him to suit up, meet you outside," Maddy said.
"Alright!" Steve replied from the other end.
Maddy, Steve, Natasha and Barton walk towards a jet.... once inside the jet a young pilot looks up at then and started to stand in their way.
"You are not authorized to be here," the pilot said.
Maddy looked over at Steve and frowned.
"Son.... just don't!" Steve replied.
Maddy smiled and walked up to the pilot and grabbed him by his shirt.... she gently shoved him off the jet.
Everyone quickly got situated and Barton turned on the jet.... and took off.
Maddy watched as Barton banks the jet towards Starks tower, aiming a mini gun at Loki.
Loki aims his scepter at the jet and fires a blast of energy. The jet quickly caught fire.
Barton maneuvered one wing of the jet. They spin and slow.......Dropping out of the air as it passes over skyscrapers, throwing Steve and Maddy around in the back of the jet, the jet then roughly slams into the street.
Maddy and Steve quickly stood up and made their way towards the ramp.... which opened slowly.
Maddy looked at everyone and noticed they had their weapons in their hands.... ready to fight.
"Are you guys seeing this?" Steve said, pointing up at the sky.
They all stared up at the sky, horrified.
"Stark, are you seeing this?" Maddy said, talking through the headset.
"I'm seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" Tony asked.
"Banner?" Steve questioned.
"Just try and keep me posted," Tony sighed.
Steve rushed towards the bridge... watching people frantically run away, screaming out for help.
"These people need assistance! We have to help them!" Steve said, turning around to look Natasha, Maddy and Barton.
"We got this! It's good... Go help them," Natasha smiled.
"Maddy, care to join me?"Steve asked.
"Would I!" Maddy smiled.
Maddy quickly rushed over to Steve, looking over the bridge.
"Shall we?" Steve asked.
"We shall!" Maddy laughed, jumping over the bridge.

His Super Soldier // Bucky Barnes
FanfictionAnd in the end.... all he wanted was his Super Soldier.