Chapter 193

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Maddy sat on the curb not to far from the warehouse..... her face rested in her hands.

"Maddy?" Sam asked.

She looked up and smiled weakly.

"Don't be to hard on yourself," Sam sighed.

"I don't think I can do this," Maddy mumbled.

"Can't do what?" Sam asked, sitting next to her.

"I don't think I can be the next Captain America, the world won't except it," Maddy said.

"Don't do it for them! Do it for you, for James! For Steve! Do it for the young girls.... Who look up to you," Sam smiled.

"I'm still trying to figure out why Steve picked me.... why didn't he pick you?" Maddy asked.

"He sees something in you.... that you don't see in yourself," Sam replied.

"Do you think I have what it takes?" Maddy asked.

"Absolutely! You are one bad ass," Sam laughed.

Maddy turned to look at him.... and wiped away a few tears from her face, she noticed in his hands was the shield.

"That looks better with you then me," Maddy said.

"Everything looks better with me," Sam smiled.

"Oh totally. Where's Bucky?" Maddy asked.

"He said he had to take care of something," Sam replied.

They both stood up and started walking.

"So what now?" Maddy asked.

"Now? We head back to Louisiana," Sam smiled.


As Maddy stepped out of the car..... she noticed James running up towards her. She kneeled down and picked him up, kissing all over his face.

"Mama! Sarah said you kicked Captain America's butt.... and that you took back Uncle Steve's shield," James smiled.

"I definitely did," Maddy said.

"Where's Daddy?" James asked.

"Uh.... I'm not sure," Maddy sighed.

"Oh! SARAH TAUGHT ME HOW TO FISH!" James yelled.

Suddenly James wiggled out of Maddy's arms and took off running behind the car.... she walked around and saw Bucky.

Bucky picked up James and gave him a kiss before setting him down.

Maddy walked up to Bucky.... they both looked at one another.

"I'm sorry," They both said.

Once they realized what they said... they both laughed lightly.

Bucky gently placed his hands on Maddy's face.... and pulled her in for a kiss.

They pulled away.... And rested their foreheads against one another.

"I just wanted to say.... I was a jerk! I think you could be the next Captain America... you have what it takes," Bucky whispered.

"Bucky.... Sam already talked to me about it, I've decided what I need to do," Maddy smiled.

"Which is?" Bucky asked.

Maddy walked over to the car and opened the back seat door.... where she pulled out the shield, which was cleaned up.

"Steve gave it to me for a reason.... I have quite figured that out yet, but I will," Maddy smiled.

Maddy placed her hands through the handles and pulled it up to chest.

"My goodness! My wife is hot as Captain America," Bucky smirked.

His Super Soldier // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now